Sunday, July 30, 2006

Something about A Kite

Spent a quiet sunday reading "Kite Runner" instead of the usual kids read session. Felt guilty as i absent myself for the first time, but felt i could use a quiet day reading to myself instead.

"Kite Runner" din start out a book i will read just looking at its cover and synopsis. Here's how the book looked like:

It din quite look the usual book i will borrow from the library let alone part my cash by purchasing it along with Freakonomics. But then again, what they say about "Not judging a book by its cover"?. So, having finally finished the bulk of the book today, i thought i should do it justice by promoting it, sharing it. Yup, it's for loan. First on the list- von.w

As quoted " An epic tale of fathers and sons, of friendship and betrayal that takes us from the final days of Afghanistan's monarchy to the atrocities of the present."

This .. is one of those rare books that covers politics *which i aint much interested*, complex emotions and friendships, add in a peronal touch from first person p.o.v * which i am very interested*, and on top of it all, twisted sequences and events * which i TOTALLY dint expect and catch me gasping as i stared widely at the words, wondering how it could happen*.

You know how u see drama serials, read books, or watch movies and somehow knowing what's gonna to happen next. How you see it so predictable, applaud yourself for being so smart, thinking like the script writer, or perhaps scorning them for their lack of creativity at coming up with a plot that fails to match that of "Sixth Sense"?

This Book. Wow, just as i thought.. "okay mister, no more surprises from you. You got me there alright on this event" and then Khaled Hosseini pulls another stunner and yet another as the story unfolds, witnessing the falls and pits in my mental activity as i relate to the character.

Should i crap more about this, and whet the appetite of people who are keen in finding out for themselves? Having read qi's comments about my post on Lake House, I kinda kicked myself for blabbering so soon the moment it was screened. Din want to ruin it for people who want to enjoy the suspense and uncertainty.

So Warning: Skip this part and below if you want to experience the whole package. HOoey will take no responsibility if you din find it living up to your expectations. Ah... that's the phrase. I din want to paint a beautiful picture and spot you disappointed.

hmm.. side track a little cos i was reminded of a scene that i just caught on tv. Picture yourself handicapped, and you are given a chance to live life without it becos of an operation, but this operation does not guarantee a 100% recovery and you might end up being handicapped again... & it might be a matter of time. Qn: will you still go for it? Knowing you retrieved and yet face the risk of losing it again? WIll you be up for the disappointment that greets you if it din work out? Or will you rather lived without the disappointment and be contented with what you have, or rather have- not?

Now, that i've perhaps reluctantly drew a solmenn picture in your heads, i myself cant quite finish what i orginally started : the post review of the book. So darn my ever drifting mind. I'll leave this post as it is. Hoping all of you have food for thought, feeding for soul and a good week ahead.

P/s: Stop just reading and NOT blogging!!!!! You know how, there's no free lunch? ???? Blog more, you free-riders. Hiaks.

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