Monday, January 29, 2007

Quarter Century update 2 with hunny wenny!

Yes, i just came back from reading her blog. She beat me to it! Yah, it's like primary school all over again, you realize your friend completed the maths homework before you and u decided even though she completed, you should just continue too instead of procastinating. Tho it's late, i shall blog about hunny wenny celebrating my birthday!!!! Attempt to post the pics a third time!!!

Here goes.
Yeah!!!hooeyphooey and hunnywenny at Marmalade Pantry! Very nice place.

Me and my many presents! one for xmas, one for birthday! And yup, procastinator at work.I gave hunnywenny her 24 birthday present on my 25th birthday celebration along with the gift i got her from melbourne! Oops, sorry dear!

my lovely strawberry crumble! plus the devil's food cake behind... yummy!!!! Crumble pact!=)

hooeyphooey looking all very satisfied....

Hee, side track to compare this with the one i took when i was 24. not with hunny wenny but yc.. also me and the candle. just for kicks.

Shucks!!! NOT AGAIN!!! i cant load anymore!

Night of the Carribean


Finally i can blog and it's 12.21am. gosh, and i still need to work tom. So just some random pictures as usual, the shortcut way of summarising my birthday... i have yet to put my melbourne pics. Darn!

I have yet to get pictures from the girls, but here's some revealing how i spent counting down to my quarter century birthday.

24th Jan 2007: eve of hooey's birthday and also the HP- FABIA Dinner and Dance at Orchid Country CLub

It was darn rush for me and dawn that day as we rushed from SIA buidlling where i had my course to the her house to dress up and then to the club. CAb uncle thouht we were dressed as singers??? Hallo do we look like ge tai singers???Needless to say, it was a tad embarrasing hailing for the cab as we dressed like this!!!!

Felt so cool pirating!=) as what kejin mochamisu likes to put it. Though we din win best dressed table, not walking away with cash prize of $1000, i'm proud to add that MR Fantasy came from our table. WEEE!!! Captain Jack! More of his pics when i get from my colleague.

My loot!

In fact, most of my pirate-y eye patch, pirate hat, fearsome looking pictures with fella pirates are in my colleagues' camera. Just make do with what i have from mine. pathetic few. But still proud!=)

skull tattoo... Yes, some commented we looked more like gypsies than pirates. We're the pretty pirates. We din rent our costumes, we merely improvised. Not bad if u asked.

Rose among the thorns??? Haha, my Tses... people i always bother when i need the tools up and running!!! Helping me out with experimentation!They were darn high that evening and insist i drink! Nah, i just have to weld my sword!TADAH!

Hmm, pirates meet warrior?

Pirate meet Ali-Baba???

Sigh, sadly i dont have much photos from that night. Will grab more from my colleagues tom! I've got a surprise birthday cake at the end of the party with al coming over to find me and my colleagues all sang me a birthday song as the dinner and dance approaches its end.

Darn! i think i have a problem loading more pics. Shit, more pics to come with deserving people like hunny wenny!!!! gosh...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy birthday to me. 25 on 25!


turned 25 on 25. Rem sharing with hanwen some 7 years ago when i was 18 that when i turn 25, i want it to be a special event. Simply because i turn 25 on 25!

Will update more. It's quite a special way to celebrate it.

In the middle of a course now. Tata!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Pigeons Dance

Hi all,

I know i've been delaying on my postings.

it's a rather quiet Monday noon in office. I din go for lunch as we had a short makan-session during the meeting earlier on.

I Hate to admit but the thought of blogging the whole trip now seems a lit troublesome for me. Hiaks, i'm not talking myself out of it. DOnt worry.. just a thought. Anyway, i dont think anyone is worried. Right?

Was walking to work this morning when i saw two pigeons. Supposedly one male and one female cos one has brighter-colored feathers, bigger size than the other pigeon who paled in comparison.

The story goes that the "brightly accessorised" bird followed its smaller counterpart wherever she goes. Okay, i'm not too sure if i'm right on their gender but we stick to it for the story's sake k? He really followed after her and pestered her if i'm allowed to add. One thing to note: whenever he got her attention, he will bow his head low in front of her. And the moment she starts walking for the other direction, he will follow suit.

This went on for a few circles, (was amused and slightly giddy looking at this exchange) when i saw him moving a certain distance away from her (She prob felt giddy too and decide to stop to see what this joker wanted). And guess what?

He moved away, creating this distance between them and started prancing along as tho he was dancing!?

Hmm, is that a dating ritual? In animal sense, maybe foreplay? Pre-mating ritual?Hiaks.

Well, something to bemuse me on route to the Train station.

Right off to work!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Day1-2: Singapore-Melbourne

Singapore Changi Airport:

7pm: I've reached the airport to check in my luggage. My blue samsonite luggage which served me faithfully throughout my work trips and a small haversack. Yc happened to be back from his Shanghai trip and we met up at the Departure Hall the moment he touched down and arrived at Arrival Hall.

8-ish pm: Had burger king for dinner with the girls the moment we head in the transit as we await our 7 hours flight. Told ourselves to sleep and restrain from playing the console or movies as we need our beauty sleep and to be refreshed the moment we reach Melbourne.

9pm: SQ227 prepared to take off.....

Somewhere in between Singapore and Australia Skies.... *middle of the night or dawnish*
4am Singapore time or rather 7am Melbourne time:

Girls touched down at Melbourne Airport.
Checked temperature and @##$!!! Freaking 11 Degrees Celcius! Wait a minute, what happened to SUMMER?! Hooey mentally figuring her luggage for her clothes which.. sadly, all SUMMER outfits-AKA shorts, skirts, sleeveless tops. DAMN!

Took out her one and only sweater.And spent a long time as we kena checked by custom officers, questioned by them, believed they thought we were here for something else other than a leisure trip. @##$! DO we Look like what they think we are?!!!! Told them we were engineers and had our business cards checked. Seriously....

Not to be detered by this, HOoey and friends smiled as we make our way out! MELBOURNE HERE WE COME!!!!!

Melbourne and their trams. City Tram (Red Circle Line) is free for tourists and public. Now that's what i call service. Singapore should implement something like that that goes around Orchard, City Hall, Tanglin.
The one behind me is the White Tram (Green Line). Need to Pay.

Metcard ONe day pass: $7 plus on weekday, $2.50 on Sunday.

Something is seriously wrong with my blogger and i cant seem to upload any pictures. So, i'll just continue blabbering and wait for an opportune time to upload.

First destination: Warook Cattle Farm.

That's the place where i first fed lambs, calfs, up close with a joey (not the one in friends), fed kangaroos, emus and goat! Done more in melbourne than i ever did in Singapore Zoo. We had a luxurious farm lunch with beef chicken combo which i only realized my meal were probably the kins of those animals i saw. *excuse me*

Played with the Whip! Couldn quite produce the cracking sound as demonstrated by the chic farm cow-girl. And saw dogs rounding cattle of sheeps! Of course let's not forget, i milked a cow called either Sue or Dairy and drank the milk on the spot! It taste pretty normal, just not as sweet as the processed type we have in the supermarkets here.

After which we went to see koalas. They were so sleepy and rigid i thought the staff actually placed stuff toys hanging by the tree bunches. Of cos, it was to my delight one woke up for like half a minute yawning at the crowd before it went back to sleep. Sleepy bunch of animals.

*to be continued. Having tried uploading photos to blogger with no success.. thought i just post the above up first.************************************

My First's

hiya all,

so like i said and promised.. well to myself at least. i will blog out the Melbourne-Aussie trip. The last time i went on a trip that provides scenic views such as this was the year 1997 when i left for Yunnan-Kunming with the school on a Geography trip.

Have accomplished alot of "First" in this trip and thought to kickstart the travel blog, i will list them down.

1. Longest flight on SQ to date (7 hours)
2. Played with the Farm Whip!
3. Milked a cow
4. Drank the milk from #3
5. Touched a sheep
6. Fed a lamb
7. Fed a calf
8. Houseflies kissing my face

9. Visited an adult club shop
10. Watched a gay TV drama serial (if we dont count Brokeback Mountain)
11. Saw the shearing process of sheep's wool
12. Road trip to Strawberry Farm
13.Plucked Strawberries
14. Ate the strawberries from #13
15. Visited an australian house
16. Had the largest , world famous strawberry ice-cream
17. First Executive Helicopter flight over 12 Apostles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. Picked up by an Aussie

19. Witness a 1000 year old nature' ritual that takes place daily
20. Walked over 40 mins or so of Melbourne City in search of Hongkong Food HAHA
21. Entered a Casino Successfully without passport being checked
22. Had luggage searched thoroughly at airport
23. Questioned by custom officers
24. OFfered to sit Business Class on SQ!
25. Offered $418 Aussie Dollars on top of #24
26. Had my biggest Airport disappointment to date. (=(

So how's that for an intro?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Last trip of 2006 -- First trip of 2007


yup, hooey is back from her first aussie-melbourne trip! Took tons of pictures and overall, a good trip to kick start 2007!

Here's wishing everyone a great happy new year and i'll upload my travel pics soon!=)
I'm so excited about blogging it i think i'm going delirious.

How's everyone?