Monday, January 15, 2007

Pigeons Dance

Hi all,

I know i've been delaying on my postings.

it's a rather quiet Monday noon in office. I din go for lunch as we had a short makan-session during the meeting earlier on.

I Hate to admit but the thought of blogging the whole trip now seems a lit troublesome for me. Hiaks, i'm not talking myself out of it. DOnt worry.. just a thought. Anyway, i dont think anyone is worried. Right?

Was walking to work this morning when i saw two pigeons. Supposedly one male and one female cos one has brighter-colored feathers, bigger size than the other pigeon who paled in comparison.

The story goes that the "brightly accessorised" bird followed its smaller counterpart wherever she goes. Okay, i'm not too sure if i'm right on their gender but we stick to it for the story's sake k? He really followed after her and pestered her if i'm allowed to add. One thing to note: whenever he got her attention, he will bow his head low in front of her. And the moment she starts walking for the other direction, he will follow suit.

This went on for a few circles, (was amused and slightly giddy looking at this exchange) when i saw him moving a certain distance away from her (She prob felt giddy too and decide to stop to see what this joker wanted). And guess what?

He moved away, creating this distance between them and started prancing along as tho he was dancing!?

Hmm, is that a dating ritual? In animal sense, maybe foreplay? Pre-mating ritual?Hiaks.

Well, something to bemuse me on route to the Train station.

Right off to work!

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