Sunday, May 06, 2007

Tales of Stones and Feathers

Hi hooey,

Remembered my previous post? How i aim to cover several items?

I'm glad to announce the following

1) upgrade my not-working canon power shot.
2) Extend my wireless network to the whole of my house, currently, the coverage only last till the living room. this is not good. i Either have to get additional access point or relocate my wireless router.
3) Get a laptop so that i can appreciate the wireless house. ( Missed that ever since my lappie died on me)
4) Cambodia trip... hopefully with my new camera

Fine there's only item.

It's time to sort out. To clear. To de-clutter. To Clean up.
1) Company desktop
2) Family desktop
3) Thoughts
4) current projects
5) New projects

1) company desk
2) my desk
3) my room
4) my drawers
5) my wardrobe

NoT bad not bad if you ask me. Hehe, i'm trigger happy!!!

Well, cant help but feel really pleased and happy during the past two weeks. I know, there's this superstitious talk that once you announce good things, bad things are bound to follow. I hate to think that's through and it's really all just mentality.

So present item one from my to-do list. Just sharing some pictures i took this morning when i went for breakfast, some pictures off my neighbourhood.

My sunday morning neighbourhood with clear blue sky.

My sunday morning porridge

There's more but hmm, i dont think i want to reveal too much of where exactly i stay cos on previewing the pictures, darn, my neighbouring houses, road names are all displayed.

So before i end this post, like to share a morning breakfast tale my dad told me. Actually, those not interested in life's philosophy can just stop from here after ogling my porridge and go find yourself some nice warm porridge.

Tale 1 (extracted from DAD who read it off the chinese papers):

A fisherman was fishing out in the stormy weather when the fading typhoon carried his ship off to a deserted island. In the midst of the turbulence and cold stormy rain, he remembered his dad once told him to always carry stones in the ship.

He never quite figured out why, but when the ship was shaking up and down from head to end (i believe one of the term is helm and the other is... erm, do let me know, too lazy to refer to dictionary); the fisherman was enlightened that stones are required to stable the ship in difficult shaky times, he managed to anchor the ship and got off the island to find stones before setting out unscathed.

Morale of the story: *this part i must say; haha, both my sister and i got it wrong!* (Damn, this is starting to sound like plots from "Under one roof"

Sister: "Everyone deserves a second chance?"

Me: "Always listen to elders?"

Dad: "Stones are akin to burden, man should always have some form of burden on him to keep himself stable and not find himself drifting in nothingness. There's a thin line between responsibilities and burden. Once you find yourself laden with responsibilities, you are burdened, but at the same time, because of these "stones" you are stable EVEN in difficult times."


A lady spent an hour watching ants lifting a feather forming a trail. Wondering what they could be doing with such a "heavy" object that seemingly serves no purpose, she watched on to discover the trail of ants transported the feather until they reach a huge (again, relative term) crack separating their designated journey. They then used the feather as a bridge to bring them across.

Some ants felt that the feather is a useful tool and they should just lug the huge feather back home.

On transporting the huge feather back to their colony, they were upset to realize the feather could not fit in the entrance of their nest.

Morale of the story: *this time both sister and me kept quiet*

Dad: Some burden are good, while some we must learn to let go and not insist of burdening ourselves with the weight of it just because it serves us good, some form of convenience in the first place.

*HEY, on typing this, hooey suddenly tot using this as an analogy for credit cards would be ideal!! dont burden yourselves with CREDIT CARDS just because of the "convenience it brings u, make sure you are able to support it in the first place before applying it... Bringing it home!!! hHAHAHAHAHHAHAH*

Source of pictures:
Yup, there you have it... Dad shared two stories with two different, almost contradicting Morales but the essence in these two tales is something we should learn. When to let go, when to hold on. Apply it individually as we all differs in our needs.

Some need stones, some need feathers. Go figure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm nice 2 tales.... like it =)