Thursday, September 13, 2007

ART: Article of Random Thoughts and ARK: Act of Random Kindess

After a long month, i finally found myself with both the energy and resources to come back online. This time, with a new laptop- a HP tablet PC.

I have took some pictures of it and will post it up the next time coz my camera is running on low batt. I'm taking some time getting used to windows vista and using a stylus, but sigh, i think that cant beat my typing, so here i am comfortably typing away even though it's at 12.36 am.

How should i summarise what's been going through for the past month? on second thought, i dont quite feel like doing that. fickle, spontaneous, whatever.

I've caught Evan Almighty last night and finished reading Mitch Albom's Tuesday with Morris this evening.

Different medium, quite different story lines but yet i took something along with me at the end of it.

How should i put it?

I always feel better after watching, reading stories like this. It makes me feel more alive, more aware of my blessings, more compassionate towards others.

Some scourn at Evan almighty for it's seemingly incredible story line. I am no christian as to speak, but i think having a faith to do something, even when everyone seem to go against you, appear to be so much more intensed, satisfying, and somewhat worth living. Being rated as a lunatic, an insane fool when nobody else stands on your side is so tearful. I'm guilty of many a times judging certain people just because they do things totally out of the norm.

When you pray for something? Does it come falling on your lap? Or does it present as an opportunity to display that something? Meaningful lines and i cant agree any better that Morgan Freeman's the one to deliver this speech.

As for Tuesday with Morrie, i think about death. i think about how given a chance, i will not live my life over again. every moment i have taken till now, be it ups, downs, u-turns, circles, i have not regret. Without any of them, i probably will not be who i am today.

People are only mean when threatened. How true. Truth be told, i have seen the nasty side of me sometime during the past month. Tho i was not able to pin -point why and what could have triggered this half nasty, half guilt streak that's rising in me. And today, i' learnt it was threat. and i've learnt to detach away from it unknowingly even before reading the book and with that, i think i do deserve a pat on the back.

What else have i done?

i woke up at 5.30 am on tuesday morning, so as to make it for a 7.30 am teleconference. What's interesting was the change in people i see on the way to work, demographic change from the working population to the studying population. Working adults on their laptops to noisy boys rushing out their last minute assignment. Cooler air as lesser people around on the streets. If you listen more, you can hear nature talking back instead of the hassle of man-made creations such as traffic.

I was at training this week when i had the chance to see my vendor's house in the states when he showed us pictures of his house on his laptop. Beautiful garden, 4 acres of land and awonderful green plains extending to the forest to be cornered by picket fences.

With all these experiences, it really made me wonder....y they are deeply etched in my mind when i want to blog. Have i been asking too much that i take things for granted? Or do i feel this yearning in me because i have been asking for the wrong things all this while?

independence, self-centred... poles of opposite forces?

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