Saturday, September 15, 2007

Good Weekend Part 1

It's the mid weekend. Saturday night to me is the mid of my rest time, my weekend, before i embark another brand new week @ work.

It's like the mid point, where i will find myself asking these questions.. do you??

a) So far, how is the weekend coming along? Fruitful? Did i waste my time?
b) Second, how am i going to spend the rest of it if i have wasted it, can i make it more fruitful?
c) If i had a fruitful time so far, am i going to start taking abreak and just nua the rest of it (slack @ home, having met my so called "quota" of activities?

Perhaps no one is so calculative and boliao like me to ask these questions. If it was me in the past, i think i would have without a doubt just spend the whole weekend slacking bumming on my bed, enjoying my late cup of coffee, tuck myself back in bed in the afternoon with my aircon *hopefully blasting* and a good book @ hand.

well, am i getting a point with this blabbering? Ah yes, so i strikes me cos i din know when i started (unknowingly) asking myself these questions. And this weekend, right now @ midpoint of it, .. i am very proud to say my weekend has been good. A really good weekend to point of writing.

Friday night: i met up with the girls @ Waruku- Marina Square and saw Edmund Chen along the way. We had a good fun meal catching up, sharing our recent trips. ( you will be amazed with us girls in the span of three months, 4 of 6 have travelled out of SG to places like Perth, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minn) 3 out of 4 went Vietnam. Well, just sharing statistics.

so after dinner we headed off to city space, it was like my first trip there lah. abit ulu but hey, better late then never they say.

I like the place, we had our usual fun, ordering mocktails (sadly i dun think the bulk of my group, including myself can say we like talking over wine, beer. ) we just aren that high on alcohol. I love this group, cos we share fears, we share some apprehension, we share the past and i like to think, while we are sharing bits and pieces of our present, we will continue this tradition to extend this sharing to the future.

I pulled out something from my bag which shocked everyone, which provided some sort of entertainment while reminiscing. After which, the rest had to take part in some small activity to complete that little something for me.

If i've got the chance, i snap some pictures to share.

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