Saturday, October 20, 2007

Past, Present, Future

i'm so happy to have made wen so happy on her birthday.=) Just saw her blog, and been wanting to post about her scrapbook online but that would have spoilt the surprise, which, frankly.. isnt much of a surprise when the birthday girl herself knew of it before the actualy day.


7 more days before i leave my humble home. today is exhausting. i dismantled a bed. i move out 3 cabinets. I did take the pictures but i'm alittle too tired to load it up now. My camera has been with me all the while, be it choosing furniture, adding colours to my room, moving things from my current home, still frames of this soon to be just house rather than home.

My new room is much smaller than the one i'm residing now, but it has a pretty ok touch (at least when i went over today and see the furniture + painted walls). i think what it needs now is the decor plus lighting's.


Did i ever mention the tot of having my own business is looming in my head recently? Or rather it has been put into my head over lunch by my colleague and then suddenly one by one we thought how nice it would be to have a sideline and start a business together. And though we dont have a concrete thought on what business it would be, we knew for sure it would be a lady's business. Girls' business are by far most lucrative, but interesting to note the few which kicstarted thingy about doing business together are not the typical girls who will spend money on typical girls' stuffs. okay, maybe i'm an exception... for one thing: spa and massages.

Had dinner with the girls to celebrate wen's birthday at ma maison at central. It's quite a nice secluded spot. and i was first. picture that?

Anyway, i took alot of pictures of the birthday girl and wonderful dinner which was followed by icecream at haagen dazs.

Will load them too if wen permits.


yes, what's with the ***? Just rando m thoughts.

****** May i have the strength to keep me going..

this month i found myself being tested. blew up couple of times, disagreements with my family, my colleagues at work (over work of cos). It's just so hard.

I realize i'm not one to keep my emotion well hidden. I'm angry at someone, i show it. ( i dont even know how to act calm and cool when i'm fuming even at work). of cos i dont yell but i dont sound my most nicey self.

hooey aint letting anyone bully her. haha.

Been involve at some fun stuffs at work too, choosing idol/s for the upcoming party.=)

Have you ever feel you have lots to say but when faced with an avenue, be it a person or a book or a blank screen, you just dont know how to go about to start?

I pry open my diary last week. yup, you heard it right. It 's my second diary that i ever written and it has witnessed my primary through to secondary school life. It's highly personal which was the reason why i bought a diary that came with a lock. well, i wasnt sure if i bought it or pestered my mum to buy it. Whatever the case, i only found the diary but not the key! so there i was, figuring of opening it with a thin wire. And yet, the moment i open it, i did not even read it. I just closed the book back and kept it in the box. I din think about why i din read it, but now that i'm thinking, it might be because,

i've grown so much, changed so much from then, i prefer now than i used to be.

I din open to read the entries, but i roughly knew how i was like when i was that age. i was quiet. I was reserved ( i guess), opening up to only those few people and merely smile at others. I was submissive. i dont think i thought much those days.


As i had my few recent quarrels with my mum ( which is really rare), i started to fear growing up.

I think growing up being independent scares me sometimes. I fear i grow and change into someone i dont really like, and the sad thing, i'm aware of it straight after our quarrel and yet, something indignant in me refuses to just mellow or say sorry. Instead, those hurtful remarks continue to come out. Stinging like a horrible bee sting, or a jellyfish's pierce. At that instance, i just feel so horrible.

Do you think, one day when i start reading my blog (future diary) and just find myself returning back to these pages simply because i prefer who i am now... than who the future me will be like? Will i then run out of things to say because all that i have to say are nasty, are complaints, are ruins?

I dont know man.

(well, i'm still smiling if it's anything).

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