Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An almost forgotten love

(photos taken off

Was driving back towards singapore on the highway, or rather sitting @ the back of a luxurious sedan when i chanced myself awake from my doze. Let's say, the rest might not consider that to be a doze, granted the fact that i was only awake for 3 things.

1. Pass my passport
2. Toilet break
3. Food

So, it was indeed one rare ocassion to catch me awake and strangely staring out of the window up into the sky 133.7 km away from home at 12.46 am.Nope, I did not make up the part about the numbers. As i looked up, i was marvelled, by the majestic galore or stars hanging right above me. It's a rare sight. For the night was really dark. Street lamps which ceased their purpose in turn, gave me a wonderful opportunity to see the night curtains. Of cos, the clouds did their job and laid low, exposing the wonderful natural sky scape if i may call it.

As i focused on the stars alone, i realize how seemingly afloat they are. Stagnant in their position while we were travelling @ 215km/h ( Nope, not making up that number again, but yes, i made up about the part when we travelled that. We did 215 @ dawn).

A surreal feeling just washed over my tired soul as i recall how i was once so fascinated by the creatures above. This fascination of mine started when i was a wee 15? Back then, i had this silly thinkng ( please dont interrupt by saying i'm silly still ), the brightest star was me (yes LAUGH all u like) and that whenever i feel down, i could turn to it and feel BRIGHT all over again. HAHAHAHA... silly thinking come to think of it.

Then the thinking changed, after movies and books, it evolved to how, stars are people who passed on to another world, watching over their loved ones. Whatever the theory, the stars above never fail to give me a silence form of encouragement, a strength uncomprehensible. Especially when i feel low-spirited, alone and sometimes.. lost.

I was always on the look out for meteor showers (no, not that show) and always one to be looking up in the sky, wishing for that falling star to appear.

Of cos, we know Singapore aint the best place to go star gazing, meteor showering, but still that naive soul persist. Haha, on the fateful day of 1998 where my friends were mugging for their history O's the next day, i was waiting for the leonid showers. Knowing that i'll be missing half ( alright more than half) the action, i went online to check the live video taken over at the states. AND.. yes at the same time, running out of the house periodically to check .. just in case, a shooting star decide to glide over our little island.

This crazy stint din just end there.. disappointed that i failed to catch any, along with the fact that the video was a lousy capture of blurry fuzz rather than starry nights, i asked my dad to take me to Punggol park. (6 am. and i'm not zzz) My last hope of catching any shooting star before the day breaks. Guess the outcome?

Nothing happened, as it often does in real boring monotonous life, but i guess it was worth a shot. My dad was more than willing to ferry me and my sister to the park where we just sat down and stared above. Enjoying and anticpating the moment.

Tonight, that moment came back.


Anonymous said...

Hey... can post comment liaoz...
139km away.. wow.. tt's abt the same as from JKT to Bandung. =)

Min 敏 said...

Yeah.. I agree that we don't see much of them nowadays.. Being busy buzzing from place to place.. Zooming around in a car or a cab doesn't really help it..

Kinda miss the walks I used to take back home.. The slow walks in the evenings while enjoying my surroundings..

ruhigeSeele said...

i wanna see stars too!!
someone box me..

yeah, maybe i ought to go see some stars, hear some waves.. certainly could use that..

helps keep me up.. feeling a bit pathetic now..

Anonymous said...

Meteor Shower lover: for your information, there are many other meteor showers more spectacular than the Leonids cos it happen during the monsoon seasons so usually it'll rain in Singapore around the time. U can try Peresids(around 12 AUg) or GEminids (around 13 DEc)