Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Blessed lot

it's past mid week, and i'm really looking forward to returning back to singapore. Sometimes, i think i'm better off being a student. My profile, the way i behave, the way i do things. Geez, i'm better off being a kiddo.

Anyway, i'm skyping with ruffy now.=)

Skyping becomes an essential mode of communication among couples now.. so far there are 3 couples i know who use skype because they are geographically separated.

Ruffy was mentioning something about 9/11 in his blog and i tot i add a note to how i agree with him on the power of media. How, ironically and seemingly true, that IGNORANCE is BLISS. When u dont seem to know what's going on, u live in ur own world, oblivious of what happen to others. Take the people from Afghanistan and Iraq for example, the suffering and torture many been through have gone unnoticed from us, becos of the lack of knowledge. And then, as we live with whatever that's occupying our daily happenings, we just conveniently forget and chuck it in a corner of our mind. Occasionally something will happen that strike a chord with us, that reminds us never to take things for granted.. right? "Correct me if i am wrong "=)

like i was saying, so.. we conveniently leave the rest of the world in a place where we dont know and dont see them. Only realizing the hard core facts, when the media presents the information before our eyes. Even then, we can't entirely rely on media to present the full story. As quoted from "The life of David Gale", "There are no truths, only perspectives". How TRUE. A matter of fact, there are people suffering out there. War is never kind, no matter how u see it. Innocent people sacrifice their lives for power they'll never enjoy. "Soldiers fight wars for the kings they never met. "

How, sometimes, we should just learn to see things with wider perspectives, learn not to take everything off the set, and learn to form our own opinions. To lead our lives a way we will not be ashamed, will be not disappointed and certainly, a life with minimal regrets.

Of cos, easy to say, not easy to do.

I popped a line to a friend while we were driving out to lunch today. I said "The people here are a blessed lot. Living in a world of their own, unaffected by others"

Surprised when he mentioned " i'll like to add another line. So are the people in Singapore.. pehaps in a different kind of way.. but still very blessed"

Just when u least expect it, a rainbow appears above u to remind you, there'll always be sunshine after rain...

p/s: been raining lots in BN.


Thengz said...

Ooooh... Serious topic going on. Just like to add, not many people knows whats happening in North Korea too.

The North Koreans themselves are also taught to believe that the rest of the world is a horrible place to be in. How wrong can they be... At least we don't see people falling like a house of cards in Singapore.

That definitely is the case in North Korea, judging from the photos that were smuggled out of the communist/dictator state. All hail Kim My Arse!

hooeyphooey said...

Hey u mean u actually saw those photos? i heard about how they were misled to think that they are living in paradise!!Hmm... What the @#$%%%!