Thursday, December 01, 2005

a delayed entry--meant for last night

It’s interesting to note, how this entry is started. I am writing this on the transit train just as we speak. I just finished my course for today and I’m the only one heading back to the house today. First time traveling around in KL… wanted to call up some KL friends I made over the last Brunei trip. Yes, abit strange that I made KL friends in Brunei but I guess that’s how the world goes now. No one is restricted to their own island, and it’s becoming a global village.

Like I was saying, I called one of them and they weren’t free. My options were very much limited due to the fact that both my mobile battery were running low. I was contemplating if I should go visit my relatives who stay near KL since it was 5 plus and I could do with some sightseeing, since I’m alone to explore. hehe, I could even try out the rollercoaster at Times Square Shopping mall! But sigh, the fact that my mobility is highly constraint by my mobile services resulted in me going back home just in case the battery is empty and I could not reach my colleagues. Never underestimate the power of your mobile phone in a foreign place.

Anyway, I was surprised how my senses sharpen when alone in a foreign environment. True it was not my first time taking the route back home but somehow, when u queued up alone with the rest to purchase your ticket, waited with the rest for the subway to come, observing the people around you, everything seems a tad more “alive”. No longer are they background to you when u and your friends were yakking away on the train. Instead, you seem to be background just observing the sights presented before you. It’s the surreal feeling that “you’re not there, but just observing things from another place”. You somewhat feel you’re in a different realm even tho existing in the same physical dimension. Haha, am I making sense? Just some thoughts in my head. Typing this out as my express transit make its way back home. Whizzing past the greens and lakes, I am at peace.

Well, I should be reaching my stop soon. Think I should start shutting down my lappie before I look like a pathetic sight juggling with my bag, my ticket and the lappie.

Going to meet up with my KL friends tom! =)
Hope they take me to some interesting places!!!!

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