Thursday, December 08, 2005

xmassy mood

i went for foot- massage today. Tried the services at the hotel. $20 for an hour. Well, it's pretty good, tho i think the lady can sense my low threshold for pain and was pretty gentle with me compare to my other colleagues (guys). Felt highly pampered and at the same time, alit bad(guilty) that someone is massaging my feet. Hehe, anyway the lady is really nice and she's from thailand.

Well, after that we had dinner and then i came back to the hotel before walking out to the supermart alone to get some groceries. NIce nice feeling of heading out alone ( it was 9 plus) and xmas season is spreading as i walked into the mart. walking down the isle while listening to xmas songs. Looking atxmas tree deco, i was suddenly tempted to buy xmas cards... and u know what? they dont sell xmas cards in boxes. Darn.. really in a xmas-y mood.


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