Sunday, December 04, 2005

someone from somewhere

Ever feel that nothing you do seem to make yourself feel better? That the more you want something good to happen, the greater your expectations the worst you feel? Like, somehow, it's so much easier to lower your expectations, to feel a tad at peace with yourself and others?

Sometimes, when things are beyond your control, when your're not too sure what went wrong, when you had to come up with reasons to explain the situations.. it gets to a point that you're just exhausted of repeating. Exhausted in figuring out the meaning.

I wish sometimes, someone from nowhere can enlighten me. Yes, nowhere, cos you will be surprised to know how in certain occassions, its' easier to relate to a stranger than someone you know. Give it to me in a pure-simple, "out of the box" solution. A definite answer. A closure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Closure... learn this from Chicken Little...
Raising or Lowering expectations? With High hopes comes disappointment and With Low hopes comes surprises. Instead of letting the person guess wat your expectations are, y dun u just tell him/her? There's no perfect person, so balance your hopes and expecations. =)