Thursday, July 27, 2006

Watching Lake House

Back from watching "The Lake House" @ the new cathay Cineplex.

There's something about this show that makes me thump. That makes me ponder about it as i walked back home from the train station. Something about it makes me want to just filter the rest of the world's sounds as i plug into my own player looking up into the night sky, supposedly spotting the two moons which will surface tonight (27 Jul) but, of cos i saw nothing.

Fine, it's been a long time since i gush over a romantic show. Most of you, will have known me as a mega "you've got mail" fan. When it comes to movie book, "Message in a bottle" is first on my list. And yes, looking at these movies, it's not hard to figure what makes hooey ticks.

Mail. Message. Mailbox. Be it old fashioned keanu reeves' lakehouse- style mailbox, be it a bottle drifting out in the ocean, longing for someone to reveal its contents or be it the common email finding its way to New York Shopgirl. Something about a message waiting to be picked up and read simply fascinates me. Of cos, replying and communicating, the post-act of reading is what hooks me on.

And to top it all, two of my favourite stars are in it. Beautiful, charming sandra bullocks and the ever mysterious keanu reeves. The icing on the cake? What will you say to a glass house with a maple tree planted right in the middle of it? Standing in the middle of the lake with a bridge and a faithful dog for companion as you watched the sunset and its reflection from the lake.

X-factor element? I love the work of fate and destiny. I adore, perhaps more correctly said: jealous that some mysterious force actually helped these people along the way. Magic old rusty mailbox. I was in half the mind to put a note into my own mailbox when i got home. The other half was more keen in sending my thoughts out via this wide web.

2 years apart. "How do you hold on to someone you never met?"
and yet, what they share is so much more real than they touch in their everyday life.

This movie explores the theme of family, solitude, relationship, ownership and freedom and of course.. waiting.

Yes Yes, daydreaming, it's fiction. Earth to hooey. Snap out and get back to reality. But.. what if?

Just let me indulge in my own little world of fantasy. Just let me be.Hiaks.


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oh no!!!... you saw the show...(and beat to me to penning thots abt it...) good show yea?... although an avid reader of your entries.. i'm going to refrain from reading your afterthots till I form my own...heh heh...till then ya

hooeyphooey said...

Rem how we used to write loads in school?=)

ruhigeSeele said...

i wonder why i haven't recommended to you the korean version il mare before. it's got a combination of 2 of your favoured concepts, mails and time travelling.. hahaha

it always makes me wonder how time travelling works, how changing the past can affect the future. by right, there should be a you at every instant. so while u are reading this, there is another you who has read finish this paragraph and another you who has finished reading this comment etc..

in the case of the story.. she sent a mail back to keanu. and he read and had been warned. he should avoid getting knocked down by the bus. he should live on to see her. but on the future sandra's part, keanu has already died in her world (his bro testified also).. so by right, she wasn't supposed to see him.

then again, by right, one cannot write mails that transcends different time period also. so what the heck, it was a nice show! haha

hooeyphooey said...

Yes, that's one of the loopholes i'find in the movies. Explain how she knew where "Persuasion" lies???