Sunday, December 18, 2005

Free day with "friends" in "NO MAN LAND"

Flintstone feel.

it's a sunday evening, and i sure have mixed feelings. Back in singapore, it will be becos, i dont look foward to monday blues, but here, it's different.

Mixed feelings, cos, i'm alit glad that i'm having this little rest. As u can see from my previous post, i had a gd time just snapping some shots. And i must say, i feel liberated seeing those photos. And now, i spent today watching "Friends". Great way to spend the hours, but the moment i finished, i felt so empty. This place can be abit hard to bear, especially when u got free time. So, in a way, i'm glad that monday's coming, cos i'm able to do my work, and this means i'm one day closer to home.

Oh, before i forget, i actually hopped over to Malaysia today. yup u heard it right, had to hop over becos i'm allowed to stay here for only 14 days. So, in order to extend, i need to technically get out of the country and back in. So, yup, took an hour drive(jam) to the customs and back. Haha, for 3 mins , i was in NO-MAN land. The border between brunei and malayisa. kinda interesting experience... could have stayed and explored, but it was raining and i was looking forward to just spending some time alone in my hotel with "friends" hiaks.

So there, my day, my first free day in 14 days. It's good, and now, besides hoping that there's something good on TV, i can read my good book. Have i mentioned how i love "Friends", so hilarious, sarcastically funny, so awfully heart-warming too.

Is there really a Central Perk? if there is, it'll be good place to check out. My FYP partner is one girl whom i watched Friends with after the exams ended. I got reminded when we were all aobut to shift out of hostel, and yup, i went over to her hostel after some FYP thingy where we both just watched episode after episode of "friends" ( in her Cluttered, and yet strangely organized room). Having our dinner and a fantastic good laugh. Sharing those moments had indeed made my final year a memorable one. Amy dear, You're the greatest, funniest partner i can have. Haha, i was reminded of you, when a business partner was out with us and he commented "EAT ME EAT ME". hahaha... i'm sure you know what i'm talking about.

2005 is coming to an end, and i think i will spend some time just reliving this year, recalling what happened. It's been an eventful year.

Right ruffy?

Buying Blades, FYP, labs session, Hours studying, mugging, walking to and fro from hostels to tutorials rooms, trips, blading, cook-outs (correction: one cook-out with giles and pals), or was it two?haha. Reading story books. S for me. Hiaks. Shows. Plays. S for him. Cafe hang-outs. Failed Wala Wala night. Zouk. Photos. Graduation. Finding Jobs. More photos taking. Ups and DOwns. He flying, Me flying, We flying to different destinations. Me with dengue, Me hospitalized for the first time. (GOSH). Wait, hospitalized with my brother.

There's probably more...but some randomized events in my head.

I adore this shot. This' for ruffy. Little plant standing tall, even with the waves crushing in. In foreign lands, in a different environment, Unaffected, and ever steady. Magnificent and yet simplicity with its little presence. Oxymoron i know. i'm amazed. I got wet taking this shot. Lucky my camera was safe.=)

1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...

its S for books. Just finished Alchemist. Hengz i finish the new year stars. =)