Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MCQ anyone?

Have you ever made a hard decision?

What are the processes you go through to make that decision? How do you go about making that decision?

Some draw up a list. Pros and Cons. + and - and what have you.
Some go by gut feeling. Which ever is the safest route.
Some just wants to be different. Taking the route less travelled whether they like it anot.
Some play the elimination game. You know, something like MCQ.

You dont know what's right, so u simpy cancel out the wrong answers first, narrowing your choices.

A few days ago, while at this eating house called "Big Pa Pa", i came to realize, how i have been using that technique subconciously over the years.

A colleague asked me what i want in a dream job. I dont have a specific answer as to what i WANT, but somehow, I knew clearly what i DONT WANT.

You might ask me what i like to eat, i cant give u a straight answer, but i can tell you what food i hate/dislike. Anyway, for those interested, i dont like Lady's fingers, i dont like that purple thingy vegetable plant, I dont like Squid, ( calamari exception), i dont like mussels. I dont like weird looking food. Full Stop.

It's easy to point out what i dont like, but hard to pin-point what i want. Is it me? Am i the only one who feels that way? I dont know what i want in life, but clearly i know what i dont.

We have been taught to identify what's wrong in our early stages in life. We were taught from young that SMoking is wrong.. and then it evolves to SMOKING is BAD, not wrong. Black and white seeminlgy blended to a sea of gray as we grow older. Nothing is totally wrong, nothing is exactly right.

I think there's a form of mechanism in me. I know what's not suitable for me, what's not cut- out for me and what's not good for me. Yes, i have that mechanism in-built somewhere. And it has served me well i must say. I haven made much, (note ) wrong choices.. nothing to the extent that makes me want to kill myself and me constantly asking myself "WHAT IF... IF ONLY...".
Yes, here and there i might lament on some decisions. Engineering is one.*laughs*. Nah, it's not really.. goodness know where and how i will be like if i have chosen another course.

Elimination is a form of decision making, but not the most ideal. You're merely removing options, and not defining what u really want. What is really right for you.

Granted that you're only given these options, and u just restrict yourself to these few becos u dont think about what goes beyond these options. U will ultimately be stuck with an option that is "least dislikable" to you and not what u truely desire.

I'm in that stage. I want to explore other options. I want to see beyond the four fingers. Eh?
haha, see if u know what i'm talking about.

Options beyond the Options given. That's what i should aim.

1 comment:

wen 涵温 said...

heh girl...think you don't appreciate fish as well. and fish isn't exactly weird looking. =p miss you!