Wednesday, August 10, 2005

hunny wenny

hunny wenny is my friend. My close friend. My best friend.

We dont really talk on the phone, becos of me... * i have this silly logic that i shouldn call people cos i'm afraid i might be disrupting whatever they are doing, so i only call when i need to inform somebody of urgent stuffs which cannot be relied upon by the sms*

So the story goes, i wasn feeling really good today. Guess, my high hopes of a fantastic national day led to a deep plunge as, instead of fun and live fireworks, it turned up to be domestic disputes and late dinner. Long, senseless story involved. And tho everything is starting to be fine, i cant help but wish today could just be a normal weekend or something. A Nation holiday should be followed by another public holiday for everyone to rest after they bustled and crowd to festive venues, i mean.. what about those 1000's plus performers, army personnel, planners, security officers???Right? oops how did i digress?

anyway, the story continues that i din exactly have the most fantastic day, something happened and i was pretty bothered by it, or rather i cant help it. Just dont feel too good, went online, frustrated, tried all the usual websites i go, read my mails, kept myself busy and nope.. still sian with that kinda of humid feeling inside. Bleah. Resorted playing yahoo pool. Lost pathetically, luck wasn on my side. rather i din care much for winning. just want to get rid of the yucky feeling in me. then Hunny wenny called. Was afraid that my ill mood will spread to her. And we started talking... the funny thing was, the more i talked, the better i felt... at the end of the converstation, we were laughin.. at least i was. Felt lighter, free-er and all in all, few notches better than how i started off. And it's so easy.. al li had to do, was call a friend. I din have to go straight into the unsettling issue, just chat about fireworks, jobless, family, driving, fencing, davinci code.. and then abit more and hEY, before u know it, i've unleased the knot and feeling so much better.

Hunny wenny, my pot of honey. Thanks girl!=)

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