Monday, August 08, 2005

stoned and songs

stoning. I had a good mind to blog down the past few day happenings, really. But it's a different story when one lies on one's bed with the lappie plopped on the cushion and on my tummy. Let's not forget the songs streaming from the winamp. Listening to "Superwoman" by karen white. Eyelids drooping.....

oh, Trying to sound most hyper and excited in a lethargic manner..."guess what?"

There is actually a game named after me. as in "Hooey"! haha, saw it in this game shop in plaza sing today. game shop... not those lan shop or computer games shop. Those interesting board games or card games, with witty cards and funny ideas for drinking... u noe those kind? yeah, was so surprised when my friend, von w pointed it out to me. Read the instructions and it sounded alot like "bluff" ( u noe those pokercards game)... Nah, i tot, nothing new or else i wun mind buying it and playing it with friends. Never Never, underestimate a pack of poker cards. Just the ordinary kind, can keep one entertained. or so it did... in a place called bintan.

Song on media player: "she's the one"-- robbie william
hmm... starting to feel like a sexist-lesbian with the two songs above. HAha, just happened to feel like listening a particular song. Ever got that feeling right? Just suits the current mood one might be feeling.

oh, wanted to blog about an idea that i have, but current mood is so zzzz din want to spoil the surprise i so called planned. HAha, geez... someone slap me awake."you'll be so high you'll be flying.................."

wanted to call today "indulgence" cos, i actually spent my money on something other than food, movies or transport!!! i bought a small package and i gave myself a treat to secret recipe's chocolate fudge and iced chocolate and iced blended mocha. HAHA, actually i shared the food and drinks with von w. yeah, that's how pathetic i am now.hmm.... on a side note, does anyone know if there's any side effects to putting ur lappie on ur tummy,??? other than the obvious fact that ur tummy feels hot after a while?=)

so, what is this package i bought? i think it's interesting. but i shant say anything yet cos i haven quite open it yet. haha.

still feeling stoned

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