Monday, August 29, 2005

The party's a BIZMO!

okay, no idea where that came from. It just popped out of nowhere. Koon's party !kinda bad that we din stay for long but i had no doubt that my friend has a wonderful time last night. Dude, if you're reading this, Here's another Happy birthday wish!Hope u were happy last night, snapping pictures with the bevy of beauties, of cos let's not forget the hourly snapshots. =)

Tho we din stay for long, but it was indeed a nice opportunity to meet up with old friends, over bbq. I've learnt and ascertained for sure that i'm no GOod with bbq stuffs, but i'm quite contented with buttering food and playing with the tongs acting busy once in a while. Taking the skewers and checking if the food is cooked (which to date..i still consider that an art actually).

So, since i had to make myself useful one way or another, i took snapshots. Again, no better way to relish the moments but to look at snapshots alright? Some candid shots, some group photos, whether caught in the act or deliberate posed, it doesn matter as long the memories stay. *on a VERY side note, is it a sweltering hot day today?!* i mean, the hot humid weather is getting to me. The ray and dust piercing into my soul (dramatisation noted).*slops... i will wish for a snowy moutain now man. Give me sleighs or skis, heck the fact i haven even touched those. I'll take them with pride and ski down the slopes, crashing into bushes or trees like what calvin (& hobbes) did and then laugh it off as i head into the log cabin with my soaked winter wear with hot chocolates awaiting by the fire. Darn, those comics have a hypnotising effect on me.

*Earth to hooey Earth to hooey*, pictures my friends.....

"let's get the party started!"

Things are looking good ....

The Busy, the rich, the powerful, the crazy, the whacky and hopelessly fun-loving birthday boy.

All waiting for a piece of action... prob the food.

We heard of MEN IN BLACK.
I present... the MEN with TONGS!
(doesn sound nice to say 'men in tongs' eh.. oppsie)
miss shannie with... is that a piece of chao da satay?

Interesting how these two like to pose with their packet drinks.
Yeos and their models.

PICTures and more pictures!!!!

something's happening to the pit...

aren they cute?
candid moments of the photogenic couple.

haha.... some funny shots before the gang's dismissed. Ruffy's a party crasher aka party crasher leader aka law-abidding reservist boy. No lah, he gotta head back to camp. CAMP. fullstop.=)

Happy pic to conclude! koon's welcoming with his open arms... hmm.. we know we know.

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