Thursday, August 04, 2005

retro theme

retro theme. that's the title of my day. once again, blogging when i'm just abt to zzz. This is not very gd lah, cos first, all the random thoughts i have of the day has disappeared to dunno where and simply not the best time for me to recollect my thoughts just as i'm about to hit the sack. Blogging ain an activity that's instantenous. What do i mean? Let's say i'm on the train, and i suddenly thought of something, unless i have a lappie with me, it's really hard for one to retain those thoughts until he or she gets home eh? Or unless, he or she stays online 24/7. But then again, some may argue that u can get ur thoughts out in seconds the moment u log on to blogger. Sigh, just gotta blame the capacity of my brain. I'm starting to wonder the rate which my cells deplete vs the rate they replenish.

* blank* i spent the last few mins or so trying to recall the thoughts i had today, the qns i wanted to pose. Next time, i'll bring a pen and paper when i go out. i'm suffering from senile demential! @23?... bad. I've gotta do something about it.

*tadah* i remembered something liao! haha, i was walking along the platform of outram mrt station, waiting for the train when i felt really good! haha, about just walking along the usually crowded platform with ease and enjoying the quiet environment. WHy quiet becos... it's offpeak hour. hahaa let me elaborate

The highlights/Perks/ of a jobless graduate.

  1. no more studying! at least u've completed what it takes to become a bachelor. No need for PHD *permanent head damage* or that of a MENG! but then, who knows what's to come in the next few years?
  2. Remember those nice restaurants which u can only make it during dinner after lessons? Now is the best time for their lunches! check out their executive lunches, student lunches ( provided u still have ur matric card and u carry off the student look), great offers combo!
  3. Movies. need i say more?
  4. what better time to go shopping when there's no jostling crowds, no haggling of prices, neatly folded clothes, no one to snatch that outfit which you've been eyeing. YES! no customers, the shops to yourself. No worries about hogging the fitting rooms, fearing that people waiting outside might be laying a curse on u under their breath!* no? u dont have that phobia?*
  5. Getting into MRTS? no problem. U can even choose ur seats. Enjoy reading ur book without having to plug into ur mp3 player. U can hear the train wheez.... no irritating people with their ever ringing mobiles. No unwanted high-school gossips or gigglying , loud passengers.
  6. Ever wondered the land ur in? HOw much do u know? the hotspots? the zoo, bird park, fort siloso, haw par villa ( is it still there?). Good time to just go explore with ur camera. Ask a friend along if u hate to talk to urself. Go take pictures of the CBD. no crowds sitting around. Go improve on ur photography skills.
  7. Go take from one bus interchange to another. What better time to explore the routes around singapore and uninterrupted TV mobile?

However with pros.. there must be cons. And as a jobless graduate, although u completed ur education... there is just one "teeny weeny" problem with the above mentioned status. Just one.

1. Where got MONEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That i'm afraid, is a problem which cannot be overlook.sadly.

YEAH!!! i'm so glad i remember this part of my thoughts... for today. i remember i made alot of mental notes along the way. THoughts just randomly popped into my head, i will chuckle at them, and as fast as they came in, they exit in a pretty similar fashion. DARN.

anyway, as usual, since i cant quite recollect my distorted thoughts. I believe they are simply mis-located somewhere in those cells. How does our brain work again?Let me just show u pictures and hopefully, the thoughts return.haha.

First stop, China town with daddy and mummy. PLaying with the black and white theme and sepia effects. What better place to play other than china town?Mum joined in the fun. mum used to play with her camera too!=)

Look at my dear mum and dad. haha, enjoying desserts liao.Eh, what's with the sceptical look?

geez, they are prob sick of being my models. i took pics of them while they had hor fun, fish head noodles and coffee! 50cents only leh. let me show u.

Tadah! my half empty 50 cents coffee( took a picture before i finish it). Doesn look very enticing especially with that drop there. BUT BUT, it taste darn nice lah.. the aroma.. FWAH. hmmmm... *muaks*

now, let's take a trip down memory lane...

This picture, let me explain. I was trying to position the shot such that the old buildings are in front and in the background we have the modern sky scrapers. u noe, trying the kinda " old in the midst of new" kinda stuffs. That no matter how modern we get, how advanced we get we shouldn forget our roots kinda thingy? hAha, see that dark cloud looming?... i fear it's an omen! hahah!=)

See this picture?Retro enough right? Retro in a aged,kinda way.. later the entry, will show u something that's retro in a funky kinda way! haha

While taking this, the people beside this shop was wondering what's going on with their neighbours. WHy is there a weird lady taking pictures across them. I wonder if they think i look like a tourist? my mum commented i look like a thai worker.


okie, hooey's getting sleepy and i haven even touched on the highlight of my day. Okie.. pictures pictures again!!

haha!!! see the greedy me? i wanted to introduce this dish. Looks like dumpings. but got an interesting name which my mum told me which .. iconveniently forgotten again!!! starts with an "A" a teochew dessert. It has all sort of fillings inside. i mean different fillings for each "dumpling lookalike thingy". TRY IT!Greedy pic of me taken with compliments by my mummy. THey commented that, from this angle i look like my cousin... who's married and has given birth. I WISH THEY CAN MAKE Up their mind. Thai worker, or old cousin? sigh... mixed identity.

okokie off to highlights! haha!in sequence.

THe guys hard at work. ART n Craft lesson! see that stick looking arm there? that's mine. fail to make it in before the self-timer elasped. gosh. just as well. =)

Hmm.. wondering what the four of us are up to?

Haha unveiling in just a second...

the funky kind of retro

TADAH!!!!! in preparation for Shannie's SUNSHINE GIRL CONTEST. its' our efforts put into this masterpiece. check out the hard work we put in! haha. of cos not exactly completed yet... will take picture of the finished work on saturday!!! cant wait. SHANNIE'! we are rooting for u.. * at time of press, shannie hasn seen this blog yet.. No one has! haha except ruffy*
nic commented i'm stubborn becos i refuse to reveal the blog, i choose to think i'have strong opinions.. well as least with regards to unveilng my blog!haha
then it's off to dinner and guess what? ASS HOLE DAI DI! erh.. evidence of the crime.

Me... sigh, shuffling the cards. u noe what that means. BUt heng i wasn stuck being "er hmm" for long. HAHA! we also know, who's the long time "er Hmm" HAHAHA!

okie and finally to conclude the day as well as tonight's blog...

good night!=)

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