Sunday, August 07, 2005

Never stop questioning

Just finished writing an email to ruffy when i tot i should post this down too. My random thoughts. But i'll never know howi'll be like few years down the road. A note myself to never stop questioning.

"Recalled what u said about religion and faith, and i was reminded of "angels and demons". A correlation between religion a science? Both which had their share of staunch believers. Many believed the two lay on extremes and never could they be used to complement each other. At least, that's how each believer feels. For me, which watching the island, it .. makes people think. The world they lived in, Is there an island which we all look forward to? A delusion which we will only realize when the 'opportunity' arise?Should one stay contented with what we have? or the look beyond the facade which others laid upon? To seek the answers, even if the facts seem even harder to swallow with each step we venture? Believing that beyond the "island', there is a real world out there. An oasis in the making if one fights for what one believes, rather than "being" the chosen one, waiting for the opportunity to surface with the help of a lottery machine?

Now, i can picture the movie "the island" as a erm...three layer sphere. U know, picture Ferrero Rocher, the chocolate. The "harvested" beings reside in the deepest core, believing that the the Outer layer (2nd layer)is what the island is like.Their perception of the island is something which the adminstrators taught them. Drilled into their mindset before they 'awoken'. Echo (ewan) questions his meaning in the surrounding he lives in. The doubts which resurfaces after much assurance from friends induced him to explore. Something quite dangerous. Something the adminstrators dont like. Pretty much like policy makers dont u think? that brings me to my next point. The power of policy makers. *hooey will prob add to my blog regarding that*. So, the story continues with ewan not willing to just do the same schedule and he investigates, only to realize, there is a second layer, but, the island was not what he or the rest perceived. Perception become Deception.

Horrified by the truth, does he continue his search to escape? or resign to the fate, praying hard that he never be the "chosen ", "lucky" one. What will u do if ur him? WIll u imagine a world outside the second layer?

Later the show, as he and delta johnson (played by the beautiful Sarah) manages to escape of the.. "lab?" the sight beyond them is literally a whole new world. They ran for miles, or so i think. Sights upon them just brown and roads that seemingly leads to no where. A discouraging sight if u ask me. I wont know if i will have the courage to venture into unknowns, or rather, head back to familiar territories. This... reminds me of another mental note i made (people who U-turns.*shall remind myself to post that up too).

At last, throught their sheer determination and inquistive nature.THey fight for what they believed. They also fight for those who's still in the dark, for the ignorant who somehow, believed in what they live in. ( haha, catch the pun?). In this case, it wasn too hard to change their beliefs.

Man are born to question. To search. it's just a matter of when u want to stop believing, and to start questioning."

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