Sunday, August 14, 2005

st nicks girls galore.-compressed editionv.5


This marks the fifth time i'm starting this entry. The previous just ended up in white screens which hang what seems an infinity.probably, becos of the many pictures i posted up. so i shall keep this entry simple and sweet. Too bad for u readers... i will keep the memories and photo captions in my heart. HAHA

1st stop: st nicks
time : 2 plus till late 4 plus
State of mind: Disbelief at the coordination of new colors? what happened to the beautiful blend of pink, blue and WHITE!?however, nothing's gonna keep us apart from prying and walking the familiar spots. The colors may have changed.. but the memories remains.SJ_ almond spirit that is... presenting some of the day highlights...

how's it?

second stop: art house
time: slightly after 5
state of mind" PHew.. i made it! not the last girl!

Caught a production with the girls.. *justians-- my st nicks class mates,*, Of cos, have to extend my deepest gratitude to char, she passed me the ticket, she's in the production crew and yup, it's a nice production. Recalled games we played when we were little things*haha*, childhood scenes flood as the little actresses/actors say out their lines which somewhat so familiar.... reminiscing a past which almost forgotten.

Took outside the production hall. some shots and write-ups on the production. Geez.. long time since i caught a production, last time was with Ruffy watching "private parts"! hmm... why do i feel queasy about the way it sounds?haha

Tadah.... my justians friends. We used to give ourself titles.. of the ROYAL FAMILY. let's see...
in this picture... THe king and queen, 2 princesses are present. one is missing...
ALL pretty babes right?
hooey doesn seem to fully comprehend the word"shameless".

sadly, char couldn join us for dinner cos she's got another show at 8 pm. Busy Busy girl! but well, have to meet up again someother time.. For the rest of us.. we took cab down to clarke quay's settlers' cafe!!! yeah, been so looking forward to the cafe with board games. and FOOD!!! grr.. hungry. i'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

3rd stop: Settlers's cafe
time: should be 7
state of mind: HUNGRY!!!

oh.. something to comment. we 5 girls took ONE cab down to settler's cafe!


The girls looking at what seems like a board game but nope.. it's the MENU.

it's Cheese to the Camera!
Games time!!!!!!!
We played this game called "dragon delta" , wanted to play "pirate's cove" but alamak, the instructions too cheem.... none of us want to read the instructions.. except for...
the deep in tot hunnywenny reading the financial news.or what?.. "is it falling? will my shares be affected?" or
" so, this is how i win the game....hehe"
thanks to the one of the staff's recommendation. we ended up with DD. Geez, interesting simple game. We wanted a game that fufils 3 criterias:
  1. FUN
  2. Short game
  3. No need to use brain

Haha, dragon delta we played... sigh, somehow, somewhat, i dont know y... i became the common enemy and yup, haha, it's amazing how much "progress" i made. Objective of the game: cross the river to the other side of your island with the help of stones and bridges. SImple? haha... wait till u play with these girls.. CONSPIRACY OF THE DRAGONS.. except for the yellow one( that ;s me). Let' ssee... hunnywenny is the white dragon *won one*. KJ's the blue. Yl's the Black*she won one round*Sy's the red!

I'm amazed how this simple game brings out so much laughter, despair(on my part), mis-calculations. *the rest commented Heng Heng i'm not a civil engineer*... and conspiracy of the dragons! haha. but but.. all i can accept, after all, no one can exactly pre-empt each other's moves right...BUT BUT, i must complain about hw!!! she's disguisting!!hahahha... tell u y.

okie this picture a bit small. let me explain first and then u'll see the BIGGER picture. haha pun intended.

SEe the hand taking the red bridge? that hw! the white dragon. she can remove any bridge and YET she removed the red one. Okie.. nothing wrong to u all yet right.... now look beyond the red bridge and u'll see a yelllow pointed mushroom lookalike on a plank. *AKA my bridge*. and island is the island which I AM Supposed to land and then win the game!just one step. right? one hop!. but the rest of the dragons blocked me... meaning blocked my turn! so i cant move. .. okie so what's with the red bridge? HW renoved my only connection from the rest of the world!!!!! haha, if u note carefully, there is no bridge connecting the yellow plank to else where.. she REMOVED IT. so i'm ...
STUCK. the bigger picture:

Evidence of the crime. I'm harmless. I'm blocked and she had to remove my ONLY much for "eliminating the weakest link"... and a good chinese phrase comes to mind. "guo he cai qiao".. okie i noe a few of u.. B2, nic and sy in particular COMFIRM dont know what talking me. haha so in direct english translation.
"cross the river and then break the bridge_".. but then hor, hw never even cross the river.. she break the bridge. u tell me.. she's evil or what?~hahahah

STill, it's just a game! right?i'm not a sore loser, so i just be nice and....

A nice game to conclude the day.. more plans to come settker's cafe to play more games... and yup guaranteed more laughters and memories to last !!!

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