Monday, December 04, 2006

Impossible is Nothing

I've completed the run.
A sense of satisfaction indeed.=p

That ticks off an item from my to-do list: "Things i want to do before i turn 30". Checked.

2006 Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 10km Chip Time: 1h8mins 15secs
Not exactly fantastic granted the winner of the category clocked in at :37 mins 35 secs

Still, i'm a happy girl!i've also earned my first ever medal.

Glad to have my roomie running, pacing along with me side by side in my first marathon. Shucks we forgotten all about taking pictures given the fatigue we were in after the race. Imagine waking up at 5ish am to run. Some will deem us insane. I felt so too, but guess what, even with the incessant pain in the knee caps and strained muscles.. it's all worth it.

Here's some snapped pictures i took to add in the blog:
Words of encouragement to those running behind me. Not all got this 'encouragement tags'. Haha, saw some darn funny lines as well.

4D anyone?

Intangible Sense of accomplishment, 10km of steps all in one medal.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

random pictures

me and kids at expo.
good meal good view good weather

Living in own world

I hate to think of a line to start the blog. Making it sound as tho i'm addressing a crowd which seriously, at this point, the only one i'm addressing to: me.

Just read through some of my friends' blogs, mainly my source of getting updates about my friends' lives. Dont know when i became so passive about getting people out, arranging for a meal, over a cup of coffee just to hear each other out.

Many times, i condone myself for not putting that extra effort. Should i do so because that seems right, or should i really do so because i care? My latest brand of philosophy has spotted me only doing things because i really mean it. My way of caring is often veiled by my nonchalence. Not that i dont care, but sometimes i frankly believe i just dont care enough by others' standards.

I missed not being there for the people i care about. I missed not being there to support the ones i've been so close years back. The guilt i feel is temporary, a strong function of how brutally frank and oblivious i have become.

So self-absorbed in my work, my sleep and my life that i've cast aside the task of checking on others.

I'm focused in making full use of my time and the best of my life, aiming never to live a day feeling there should be another way asking myself "what if". I arrange meetings, planning tasks at work according to my calendar outlook, referencing it for any free-time slot to allocate more duties that come my way. Became a faithful follower of updating my calendar for fear someone schedules a meeting and double the fear that it clashes with another appointment because of my lack of diligence in time-management.

Should i be doing that with the rest of my life, aka non-work life? Dedicating specific timeslots to different sectors of my life so that everyone and everything is appropriately scheduled and not neglected?

True that i spend a tad much time just not talking, sipping a cup of coffee, passively watching TV once i settled back at home. True i realized there's a nagging voice at the back of my head wondering how the special people in my life have been. True how i spent so many ocassions lamenting on this and not doing anything about it.( Now seems like a typical demonstration).

Just triggered me that i caught a xmas movie on hbo (something about mr frosty), how this guy wanted to not spend xmas along with the (norm) community and just enjoy a relaxing holiday with his wife on a cruise to the summer islands. How the neighbouring kids were appalled when he did not decorate his house with the normal christmas lightings or put up mr frosty on the chimney. Aka, playing along the theme of the gringe.

Hmm, have i become abit sceptical? But i dont see anything really wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with spending christmas in other fashion, is there? Must we conform to the norm to gain general acceptance? True the talk about caring and sharing, the festive of giving, celebrating this festival with your loved ones, but in the show, his daughter was supposed to be away on will not be back for xmas. So, what's wrong with bringing your spouse (just the two) having a romantic christmas get-away? Shrugs. Well, never mind what happened later on in the movie. It was a happy ending.

Maybe its saturday afternoon lazing at home=). I am going for a run tom. Yup, standard chartered 10km. Feeling freaky and tired as we speak. counting downt to slightly more than 12 hours away. *swallows hard* Been running... but not clocking or hitting the distance required. A last minute attempt proved futile?

I must complete.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Song Hunter

Anyone who still watch TV?

About couple of weeks back*not sure if they are still showing* i came across this advert with the top few contestants for Singapore Idols 2 doing this commercial with some "'making a wish'" theme or somewhat related to charity, kindess act. There was this really soothing song in the background, acoustic guitar, male singer and i just cant seem to place that song or the singer! Anyone who knows.. please please do tell me.

Mind just bothered with not-knowing the song. Boo.
Oh just in case you think i din even bother finding, I tried youtube, i tried google.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Spot myself blogging on a Tuesday late morning.Took mc today as i woke up to a rather nasty sore throat, but seriously part of me thought i could do with the break, having not seen the doctor for over a year? Come 16th, i would have worked for half a year, my longest proper job with the previous lasting only 5 months. Kudos to my peers who have worked(stuck) on the same job for a year plus.

As i prepare to submit my FY06 progress report, review, i did a self-evaluation of my career (hmm, too strong a word to use?). So far, the first few months was indulged in courses, forums, buffets at hotels around singapore with all the newbies outside my dept. Now that most courses are completed and as i settled down in office, i find myself sometimes, isolated from the crowd. At yesterday's afternoon break, while i was sipping coffee with 2 others colleagues, we commented on how i was the latest addition of 'relatively fresh' graduate employed. Most of my colleagues worked for an average of 5 years or more ( although still at their first job), cant help but feel really young.

You dont share necessary the same topics, especially when most of them are married. You cant express what you feel about the latest primary school parents' involvement community program, nor can you lament on how competitive the balloting system for primary 1 enrolement has become. You have no problem with teaching children (because you have no children) the concept of money like why 50 cents is smaller than $1, when numerically 50 is greater than 1. Hmm... how did we past that?

Those who not married but in their late twenties, thirties however, share a different kind of interest, among which i think, shares prices, latest car model, condo investments, in the midst of pursuing their part-time Masters or PHDs. Sometimes, i wonder what they do in their free time? In case this starts to sound as tho i have something against people not-my-age, let me emphasize a firm "No". I am merely wondering how i will be like when i hit their time and how seriously, i can find myself blending in, when the topics, activities circumventing me are items like movies, blading, reading, planning travelling trips, ocassional pubbing sessions, meeting up with friends.

No, i have no financial planner (yes, i know!!!! i'm about to hit 25, premium is rising as we speak), the only thing i plan ahead is my weekend and what i intend to wear to work. Times like spot me thinking if i'm really the oddball when it comes to work, or have i simply left myself in school and never really exited my student' identity? Perhaps, back in their heads, they are also wondering how else to communicate to this othewise juvenile-like kiddo that's working in their midst.

Well, side track a lit, a group of us (yup, people around my age, single ladies) went kayaking for a voluntary activites organized by the company. Fun, tiring, and a feel-good warmth in me after the end of the event, forget the mud and dirt or how i was tanner than before. right, mental block... talk more again.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Highlight of the week: Private Affair with Rick Price@ DXO on 2Nov'06.

Yup. You got it, the man who brings you "Heaven Knows". Sadly, that's the only well-known song i know from him besides "You'll never be alone". I love "Heaven Knows". I cried to "Heaven Knows" and yes.... because of this one song, i attended his GIG at DXO. Here's some pics, compliments of Hooey.

Rick has aged.. obviously, however, he looks comfortable and suave with his Ronan- Keating hairdo which obviously aided in removing a few years off his age. Here's how i remember how he last look before the gig
. Prob taken off his mtv 'Heaven knows'.

And this is how he looks like now... oh wait, let me just add in some irrelevant non-animate pictures to remind me how it was like.

The food we ordered before Rick Price comes to stage. Quite a feast, considering we ordered EVERYTHING on the Snack Menu, except for the Pizza which according to the waitress, was not available that evening. Shucks. And we wolfed all down before Rick Price had a chance to comment on his gluttony audience. Oh, we sat right in front. Here's what we faced before he came onto stage.

The gluttony trio, guilty as charged. Thanks to murf who informed me of the gig. Sister and moi hungry for food and Mr Rick's Heaven knows- LIVE.

Drinks and retro floor before food.That Black patch (shadow) in the background is the stage of DXO. That's how close we were to Rick.

Anyway, here's a few of Rick Price shots which i took while he belted out those love-tunes. I've included a personal favourite of mine.
Rick Price and his bass-man. Going Acoustic and double bass in synchronized beats.
My personal favourite. Rick Price in black and white. I like this shot. Have a good mind to develop it along with some other black and white and showcase it at home. Tad blurrish. His strumming faster than me snapping away. Hiaks. At the end of it all, i tot i could walk away with his autographed posters cos i saw some near the stage, but nah, he din throw any, so sad.. they're prob for the VIPs. Saw Maia Lee at DXO as well. Regretted not having anything for him to autograph on, thought of the coasters but they were a tad cheap-skate dont ya think?... So guess what?
I reckon this is about the closest i will get to MTV, to Hollywood! Hee...
P/S: i was there and i heard rowdy rude singaporeans who disrupt the evening with the incessant cheers, talking and laughing. Mr Price was totally annoyed and i can understand y... Moments like this when i'm disguisted and ashamed with our folks.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday, October 08, 2006


The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

YeahI'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a frist impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to ryhme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find

You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

Time after Time

i've logged in, stared into the screen for a couple of mins, wondering what to type. Sensed that it's getting nowhere and turned on music player on the comp, willing the right music to put those fingers to work as i let my mind flow.

Listening to a few songs, i could only settle down and start on this page having listened to "Time after Time" by Eve Cassidy. And yet, only the lyrics trinkled in my head while the rest of my thoughts hovered in a haphazard fashion.

Closing my eyes, i tried picturing letting the week's chores, strained moments, confrontation with the different parties, hearing this and yet doing that, experienced the art of invisible, diplomatic shoving when it comes to tasks and responsibilities, witnessed my peaks and falls, interrupted sleep by calls from the line, decisions i make or choose not to which results in consequences that are beyond me.

The satisfaction i get from managing is one that's almost perverse and self-induced as i push myself each day. As i ticked off the action items laid out, and as i add on as many action items each day... The end-results can be so rewarding, so obvious and yet the process of getting there can be so tedious and bullet-paced.

As though fighting with time aint enough, i'm in a field that requires me to fight with time, money and quality. All at one shot.

"Go slow... i'll follow behind. The second hand unwinds. " Maybe it's the soothing lyrics and acoustic tune that puts me at ease. Been on jitters and high-alert mode the whole week, Crippled with the fact my partner is on MC for the past weeks. I'm surprised at my mental strength or whatever is left of it.

Thanking whatever that got me past this week, i've grown much stronger, realized how isolated one can possibly allow oneself to feel in the face of fear. How drastically you realized that you're no longer at school and how the methods you might have chosen to evade or to tackle doesn seem relevant at all. And how, at the midst of all these, having someone who cares makes everything seems a tad easier.

There will be obstacles facing us, time after time. The paths ahead will never always be smooth. For if it is, it will be nothing worth highlighting or remembering. Time after time, we will find ourselves in the pits of crisis, challenging ourselves to newer heights, crawling out of troubled waters, clearing the air (so much for the haze) and working towards a stronger self.

Eve cassidy "Time after time".

* side note: Wondered if it's high-alert mode that i've been in this week that triggered me to note almost minute details and amusing myself how some simple things can reflect the principes of how we handle situations. Attended a child-management workshop and learnt some stuffs which i'll probably share in another post. Beside this workshop, attended some work-related courses which prompted me to see process engineering in a whole new light altogether. We are all process engineers in our own way. You might not have realized it yet. This again, another amusing thought which i'll share in another post. *

Friday, September 15, 2006

we invent

Been a hectic, fast-paced week for me. Finally slowed down to the weekend, and i just want time to creep as slowly as possible.

Going to be real busy with my process, research work, coupled with some events. Got arrowed in the organising committee of a party and guess where i got the assignment? Last Friday in Velvet playing some routine finger-guessing games when a manager spotted me and came over to assign me the task after chatting. What are the odds? *Please dont assume i've been pubbing, drinking lots... it's just a department habit.* Still, never hurts to inject some fun into the work place. So, hoping everything goes smoothly, since we got such a short time-frame to work with and a huge-scale party to recognize the efforts of some very special individuals.

OF cos, the week is never complete without hooey doing some silly dilly stuffs. But, but, i shant broadcast the details. let's just say, hooey will never board the shuttle bus assuming it goes wherever the sign board says it does.

Hectic, tired, learning, spendthrift, silly dilly, irrational, complaints, satisfactions, nervous, challenges, fun.


All in 5 days.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Not sure how i intend to go about doing this. Fireworks Gunpowder, blowing up buildings.Fireworks taken a totally different meaning now.

I like the show, tho i confess i do not fully comprehend the whole idea, its intricate, well-tuned contents and its dark, ambuiguity of the characters, especially V.

The funny thing was, the first time i saw his face, or rather mask, I was horrified at how sinster it looked. Kinda freaky too. And yet, having watched it finally at the comfort of my room today with two good pals, i find myself thinking of the show, wanting to find out more about the story behind it, and finding something endearing about the person who wears the mask. The Guy Fawkes Mask it's called.

Though i din really understand some of the things they were saying. Especially that string of V words... hunnywenny has previous shown me the phrase. And today, i find myself searching for the very words.

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

How will you like a stranger to address you like that the first time he introduces himself? Will you stand in awe? Or frown in confusion? I will perhaps, ask for a dictionary. He's Charming i suppose, in a unique different kinda way.

What Alan Moore had in mind when he written this book fascinates me. Did he have a point to illustrate when he wrote this? Was it meant to keep the readers confused? Oppression as to unity? Strength through unity. Unity through Faith. What faith was he talking about here? Are they any loopholes in the story?

In an article i found online this is what i read:

Moore stated in an interview:
...the central question is, is this guy
right? Or is he mad? What do you, the reader, think about this? Which struck me as a properly anarchist solution. I didn't want to tell people what to think, I just wanted to tell people to think, and consider some of these admittedly extreme little elements, which nevertheless do recur fairly regularly throughout human history

How very true. He just wants us to think. For each and every one of us who has watched this adaptation (which i can tell you, is quite different from its written version) to formulate our our thoughts and ideals.

Ideas are bullet-proof. Though the man's-V is dead, his name lives long beyond his body as november 5th will always be a day to remember. His idea, though psychotic and perverse, sets thoughts alive in others. And ideas through strength becomes actions. Domino effect. Loved that scene.

I am thinking... what's the ultimate aim behind larkhill resettlement camp? Finding a bioweapon to win power? Or Monetary gains by "inventing" the cure?

This movie, to me combines the elements behind "Phantom of the opera"*yes the mask*, "da vinci code", "Island".. and perhaps many more which i just din happen to think of.

Hiding the truth from the mass, is it for the greater good? Oppression of the public or Compromising for the greater harmony and security.Cos definitely, V also brought about people's insatiable need to fulfil, to want, and to rebel. Why riots are always associated with people's quest for freedom/changes?

One more thing i noted. The Mask. Perhaps the show will lose its appeal, if not for the fact, there is this mysterious element behind-- the mask. Super heroes have long been established to don behind masks, taken on separate identities. Why the cover up? I was half thinking through the show, if Evey will eventually unmask V. Why do superheroes, or rather avenger in this case, only surface after going through an ordeal themselves? Spiderman was bitten. Superman came from some outerspace galaxy, seprated from his parents, batman.. stays with his butler. V was mutated .. should i say? Burnt, and biologically different. Oh yeah.. add in mutants to the list of elements to this show.

Was V for Vendetta meant to set the public thinking /evaluating their government?Will we find a V in today's world? What's a building compared to moving people. Hmm... cant help but be reminded about september 11....hmm

I read V for Vendetta was scheduled to screen on 5th Nov 05, but somehow it was delayed till this year. Speculations were made it was postponed due to the London bombing then but the relevant authorities denied.

Interesting huh.

People should not fear their government. Government should fear their people. =)

Prelude: Fireworks

Know i have been lagging in posts, tried a couple of times to log in to add my pics to no avail. Luck is on my side today, and hence i hereby present these outdated pics but which no doubt, will be timeless in my memories.

p/s: lack the intiatives to crop, photoshop or remove any unsightly objects. e.g the grey area: which actually was the lampost, no place to put tripod so strictly freehand. Frankly, i'm amazed i could take these few shots. Best seats i had for this fireworks compared to the other two. YUp, i only missed team singapore cos i was out blading. Had a lovely great time with hunnywenny.

New Caledonia's Fireworks 11/aug/06

Where we were standing /sitting among.. plus my dinner:subway

Next: some pics i took with my camera phone. Seriously, this phone sucks in term of its night mode.

Attended a forum at Raffles the Plaza hotel last friday, which comes with a cocktail/poolside dinner! yippie, i sneaked two passes and got both vons up to enjoy the event after the forum.Who says engineers dont enjoy ? My colleague got a prize in the lucky draw and walked away with a dvd player! How's that?

We were the last to leave the pool, reluctant to leave, we headed down to the hotel lobby and lingered by the lounge, where the ladies made some reminders of things to do before they head off for Japan. yup, my roomie and vons are heading off to japan!!!! Sad i couldn join them, happy for them that they're travelling out.. yet again. =)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sing a song of home

My only one decent attempt at capturing the Italy's fireworks which kicked off last saturday as part of the firework carnival.I sprinted(in my opinion) to esplanade to catch like the last 1 minute of action.

Signature drinks @ top of the m: tequila orange and margarita

After working for sometime, you realize your mind starts to empty itself of dreams and fantasy. In place of them, you find yourself setting the amount of time you have to rest for the night, planned what you had in mind for the day as you set off for work.--"Perhaps to collect the watch, go thread my eyebrows and still make it in time home for dinner to catch the 8pm serial?"

Your legs ache as you attempt to back blade at night and do some fancy moves which you've spotted at Beginner's corner. (which if you ask me.. a big irony), that place simply drives beginners to the corner as we spot the expert execute their perfectly timed moves, quick turns and criss cross their feets as though they were jellyfish tentacles.

It's good in a sense, i've gotten so tired, i went for a drink at one of the pubs and went back home, washed up and plopped myself onto bed, waking up to singapore's 41st birthday.

A public holiday to rest as we celebrate nationwide with some squeezing with 60000 people at kallang, some others cursing as they attempt to catch the fireworks actions elsewhere but prob missing it as they were still looking for parking lots, or standing space, or setting up their expensive cameras with their tripods; others take this chance to meet up with friends as they go gawking for those 41% discounts, good deals... wondering if there's 41cents meal. Some stayed tune to the TV, watching the event as it's broadcasted across all the local channels. Haha, some took extra time off and scooted off to nearby countries for a short getaway.

I've realized conciously, that i was at home blogging on national day. Both last year and this year. I din head out, cos i assume it will be crowded everywhere.

Happy birthday singapore!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

click dick

went to watch click today.

Clicking your life away like a remote control. Only .. you realize you start to live remotely from others... and you eventually lose control.

Hmm.. somehow, the movie got loopholes. Doesn seem to quite work smoothly.*day dreams* Nah, doubt the remote be hiting our stores anytime.

Side note, kate beckinsale is so so so so so pretty. She's the diva.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Something about A Kite

Spent a quiet sunday reading "Kite Runner" instead of the usual kids read session. Felt guilty as i absent myself for the first time, but felt i could use a quiet day reading to myself instead.

"Kite Runner" din start out a book i will read just looking at its cover and synopsis. Here's how the book looked like:

It din quite look the usual book i will borrow from the library let alone part my cash by purchasing it along with Freakonomics. But then again, what they say about "Not judging a book by its cover"?. So, having finally finished the bulk of the book today, i thought i should do it justice by promoting it, sharing it. Yup, it's for loan. First on the list- von.w

As quoted " An epic tale of fathers and sons, of friendship and betrayal that takes us from the final days of Afghanistan's monarchy to the atrocities of the present."

This .. is one of those rare books that covers politics *which i aint much interested*, complex emotions and friendships, add in a peronal touch from first person p.o.v * which i am very interested*, and on top of it all, twisted sequences and events * which i TOTALLY dint expect and catch me gasping as i stared widely at the words, wondering how it could happen*.

You know how u see drama serials, read books, or watch movies and somehow knowing what's gonna to happen next. How you see it so predictable, applaud yourself for being so smart, thinking like the script writer, or perhaps scorning them for their lack of creativity at coming up with a plot that fails to match that of "Sixth Sense"?

This Book. Wow, just as i thought.. "okay mister, no more surprises from you. You got me there alright on this event" and then Khaled Hosseini pulls another stunner and yet another as the story unfolds, witnessing the falls and pits in my mental activity as i relate to the character.

Should i crap more about this, and whet the appetite of people who are keen in finding out for themselves? Having read qi's comments about my post on Lake House, I kinda kicked myself for blabbering so soon the moment it was screened. Din want to ruin it for people who want to enjoy the suspense and uncertainty.

So Warning: Skip this part and below if you want to experience the whole package. HOoey will take no responsibility if you din find it living up to your expectations. Ah... that's the phrase. I din want to paint a beautiful picture and spot you disappointed.

hmm.. side track a little cos i was reminded of a scene that i just caught on tv. Picture yourself handicapped, and you are given a chance to live life without it becos of an operation, but this operation does not guarantee a 100% recovery and you might end up being handicapped again... & it might be a matter of time. Qn: will you still go for it? Knowing you retrieved and yet face the risk of losing it again? WIll you be up for the disappointment that greets you if it din work out? Or will you rather lived without the disappointment and be contented with what you have, or rather have- not?

Now, that i've perhaps reluctantly drew a solmenn picture in your heads, i myself cant quite finish what i orginally started : the post review of the book. So darn my ever drifting mind. I'll leave this post as it is. Hoping all of you have food for thought, feeding for soul and a good week ahead.

P/s: Stop just reading and NOT blogging!!!!! You know how, there's no free lunch? ???? Blog more, you free-riders. Hiaks.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Stadium for the last time

It's another saturday evening, and i'm starting to note the trend of how my siblings aint around at this time to hog the comp. Alot can be attributed to the fact that they arent at home.

Anyway, had a lovely lovely time with von and her family at the ndp preview. Last time it will beheld at this National Stadium. Very blessed indeed.So, less crap and just more pictures i snapped. Rem, u saw it first at hooeyphooey.
Geez, i cant believe i'm using that tag line.

Took video of the fireworks too. Well, get it from me if you wanna see it. Too lazy to bother figuring how to load it on.

Ah yes, dont be shocked or ask questions that's "hey you put on braces???" Yes, that's me in braces. Figured it's a matter of time you people see this, or bumped into me on the street. Put this up becos i adore the temporary tattoo we donned on. So very feeling the national day spirit. The last time i watched the NDP live, i was a tad 8 years old, when singapore celebrated her 25th Birthday.. which, sadly i'm reaching that.

Enjoy Singapore!Nights!

Some hooey moments

Altivo's sunset

Timbre's lychee martini

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Watching Lake House

Back from watching "The Lake House" @ the new cathay Cineplex.

There's something about this show that makes me thump. That makes me ponder about it as i walked back home from the train station. Something about it makes me want to just filter the rest of the world's sounds as i plug into my own player looking up into the night sky, supposedly spotting the two moons which will surface tonight (27 Jul) but, of cos i saw nothing.

Fine, it's been a long time since i gush over a romantic show. Most of you, will have known me as a mega "you've got mail" fan. When it comes to movie book, "Message in a bottle" is first on my list. And yes, looking at these movies, it's not hard to figure what makes hooey ticks.

Mail. Message. Mailbox. Be it old fashioned keanu reeves' lakehouse- style mailbox, be it a bottle drifting out in the ocean, longing for someone to reveal its contents or be it the common email finding its way to New York Shopgirl. Something about a message waiting to be picked up and read simply fascinates me. Of cos, replying and communicating, the post-act of reading is what hooks me on.

And to top it all, two of my favourite stars are in it. Beautiful, charming sandra bullocks and the ever mysterious keanu reeves. The icing on the cake? What will you say to a glass house with a maple tree planted right in the middle of it? Standing in the middle of the lake with a bridge and a faithful dog for companion as you watched the sunset and its reflection from the lake.

X-factor element? I love the work of fate and destiny. I adore, perhaps more correctly said: jealous that some mysterious force actually helped these people along the way. Magic old rusty mailbox. I was in half the mind to put a note into my own mailbox when i got home. The other half was more keen in sending my thoughts out via this wide web.

2 years apart. "How do you hold on to someone you never met?"
and yet, what they share is so much more real than they touch in their everyday life.

This movie explores the theme of family, solitude, relationship, ownership and freedom and of course.. waiting.

Yes Yes, daydreaming, it's fiction. Earth to hooey. Snap out and get back to reality. But.. what if?

Just let me indulge in my own little world of fantasy. Just let me be.Hiaks.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday's night mood

It's a quiet Saturday night as i blogged, with my room mates aka sibling out. Read a blog which a friend told me about and kinda find myself in a thoughtful mood.

Skip this entry if you're feeling well-defined in your life. Skip this entry if you want to be convinced your current lifestyle is right for you and you need no more questions to confuse your otherwise contented mind.

The small word which many could hardly grasp it in its right proportions. Some feel it's overestimated, some underestimated its powers (if i'm permitted to use that). Yup, you probably guess it: LOVE

Why this word could churn out millions of songs and words of abuse, billions of tears and smiles, spot couples down the aisle and just as many ending up in law firms.

Why this word could invoke butterflies in your stomach, fuzzy warmth in your heart and yet, shatters it with hatred and jealousy.

Why many crave for it, why some play it like a whiz and why some never find it happening in their lifetime?

I've seen how many define it, how many shun it, have personally tried defining, finding myself compromising for it in order to best enjoy the goodness of it. And end of it all, i find i still dont quite know it as well as i thought i should.

At the end of it, i find myself wondering if it's love that's hard to define or Perhaps me myself that's ever changing and so never finding myself aligned with love and happiness in the same path.

Wait, does love always warrant happiness? Or maybe compromising has always been part of the package to attain long-term happiness which nobody (especially those blissful living happily ever after) reveals?

They say, you should be comfortable with yourself in a relationship and should never need to change yourself to suit the other because that will just be superficial and tiring in the long run as you're never yourself. AND YET, they also say (of cos this "they" being different from the first "they"), also mentioned that love comes in the form of giving in to each other, not being calculative about who's in it more than the others. Sometimes, one just gotta give in and relent and hence allowing the other to cherish you for what you've done, despite your wishes.

So .... ultimately, who is correct?

Could this be again, one of those many questions where there is not straight-cut direct answer (monosyllabic) ?

Could this be one of those subjected to individual values, perspectives and behaviour?Open ended answer with no right or wrong?

Well, LOVE (pun intended) to continue and just rattle more questions to those who stuck it to the end of this entry, but i'm supposed to head out double o soon and there goes my hope of having a nice quiet night to myself.

Just for entry sake:
1. Woke up to uncle's greeting rather .. exclaim that i'm still asleep when it's lunch. Mum cooked prawns and crabs.
2. Another cousin came over to my house and we spent time looking at my old photos. convo pictures. DARN it's been one year, people!!!!!
3. Went swimming with mum and bro at aunt's condo. Nice private pool.
4. Chicken chops for dinner outside and blog. Gosh, that all i've been up to till now.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Only in Hollywood

Hey, i chanced upon this interesting article while waiting for the page to load. Thought i do a cut-and-paste for all to read. Cant help but confess i fall prey to this. All these years.

"Only In Hollywood"
It’s time for the envelopes, please. Tango hands out the Oscars for Most Dangerous Romantic Movie Myths
My friend Michelle and her on-again-off-again were off. Again. She complained that he just wasn’t going to the right lengths to win her back. “I need a big gesture,” she said. “I need roses. I need tears. I need
Lloyd Dobler on the front lawn with a boom box raised over his head.”

Another friend, Laura, had not met anyone even halfway decent in months, and was starting to wonder if her best friend, Tiny Tony -- a sweetheart who is unfortunately short, bald, and bulbous -- might be the guy for her after all. “I’ve never been attracted to him or anything,” she said. “But maybe it’s a When Harry Met Sally situation. Maybe we’re meant to be and I just haven’t noticed.”

After almost 15 years as a faithful fan of romantic comedies, I’ve come to a painful conclusion: The movies we watch to supplement our love lives are actually sabotaging them. They make us wonder why our ex hasn’t appeared in our yard playing “In Your Eyes” at midnight even though, if he did so, we’d file for a restraining order, not a marriage license. They lead us to believe that an older, more sophisticated man who criticizes the way we look/talk/ dress will fall madly in love with our made-over selves -- if it was good enough for Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, it’s good enough for us.

A lot of lip service has been paid to the idea that violence in films causes men to be violent in real life. Why isn’t anyone calling for warning labels for movies that cause otherwise reasonable women to act like emotional psychopaths? Hollywood’s take on love leaves us dissatisfied with the relationships we have, and hungry for the sort of romance that simply never occurs in nature.

I’d like to tell you that this realization has caused me to throw out all my old videotapes. Into the trash with you, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. You’ve set me up for failure, Rock Hudson. It’s documentaries and presidential biopics from here on in. But a girl’s gotta dream.

Still, it’s helpful to at least try to separate fact from fiction. In that spirit, I’ve identified some of the most common romantic-movie traps. If you feel yourself slipping back into fantasyland, get thee to a Blockbuster and rent Annie Hall -- the only romantic movie I can think of that’s both satisfying and honest.

The Sleepless in Seattle Trap
Like Bill Pullman in the movie, your current boyfriend or fiancé may have committed some unforgivable crimes, such as having lots of allergies but no nickname. Then you hear a voice on the radio, or see a face across a crowded room. Suddenly, you know this stranger is the love of your life. OK, you already have a partner who’s perfectly stable and lovely, but I’m afraid you will have to end that relationship. After all, in the 30 seconds you’ve spent with the new man, you’ve learned everything there is to know about him. And. It. Is. Good. You use Google, gossip, mutual acquaintances, and expensive private investigators to track him down and ask him out to dinner.
See also: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, A Walk in the Clouds.

The Real Ending: Over dinner, you realize he has bad breath, a wife, and absolutely nothing whatsoever in common with you.

The As Good As It Gets Trap
You’ve found a guy who has that certain something -- as well as a bad attitude, a fear of commitment, or just a nonspecific nasty streak. Other than that, though, what a catch. Minor personality flaws won’t stand in the way of your fate. You decide that your love can change him, because that’s what true love does.
See also: Jerry Maguire, Reality Bites.

The Real Ending: You go to great lengths to show him that you’re worth loving before ultimately deciding that he’s never going to change -- and that he’s the last thing you’d want to complete you, anyway.

The An Affair to Remember Trap
You meet the perfect man and make elaborate, romantic plans for the future right away. He takes your number (no need for you to take his) and promises to call the next day. When the phone doesn’t ring, you don’t worry -- he’s your soul mate after all, there’s just been some misunderstanding. Two days later, you start to grow concerned that something has happened to him. Is he under a bus somewhere? Has he been taken hostage? You go from concerned to all-out panicked. Despite the gentle protestations of your friends that perhaps he’s just not that into you, you remain convinced that he was hit by a cab and rendered a cripple, and is too proud to leave his apartment.
See also: The Notebook.

The Real Ending: Three months later you see him dancing in a club with some chick in a tube top.

The When Harry Met Sally Trap
You’ve never been attracted to your male best friend, but recently things in the romance department have been less than enthralling. So you start to wonder -- maybe, just maybe, The One has been staring you in the face all along. Who cares if he still lives in his mom’s basement? This is destiny, damn it.

The Real Ending: Prepare for an awkward, tequila-induced make-out session that definitely requires an “I don’t know what I was thinking” email the next day.

The Titanic Trap
You just made partner and need to focus on work, but you can’t get this new guy off your mind. His name is Bo, he never went to college, and he works at the burrito place where you sometimes grab lunch between clients. Your friends ask what exactly you hope to gain from this relationship, but luckily you’re not a snob like them, and you know that a person’s job isn’t what defines him.
See also: Sabrina, Pretty Woman, Sweet Home Alabama.

The Real Ending: At a company dinner, your boss asks Bo what he does and he replies, “I work the grill, but I’m hoping to be put on the register soon.” Face it: If Leo had made it to dry land, that relationship would never have survived.

The Stepmom Trap
None of your romantic fantasies ended with Prince Charming leaving you for his secretary. Nor did they include falling for an otherwise great man with two sizable and unavoidable flaws (i.e., his children). Don’t panic. Contrary to what you might think, this divorce stuff is a piece of cake. Your step kids hate you? All it’s going to take to turn that around are some good old fashioned sex tips from you (to make the brats more popular, duh) and the untimely death of their mother. Your ex couldn’t seem to tie his own shoelaces when you were together? Rest assured that once you’ve signed the divorce papers, he will clean up his act and become the kind of guy you meant to marry.

See also: The Philadelphia Story, High Society, The Parent Trap, Mrs. Doubtfire.

The Real Ending: You continue to hate the bastard for years to come, despite the fact that your shrink says rage won’t help you heal. And whatever side of the joint custody battle you might fall on -- be it mom or stepmom -- the kids aren’t going to make the situation any easier. If you’re a stepmom, get ready for the cry of “You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my mother!” to take up permanent residence in your psyche. If you’re the real mom, the line will be “When we’re at Dad’s house, Bambi never makes us do our homework/eat our vegetables/stop playing with knives.”

The Pretty in Pink Trap
Your next-door neighbor just happens to be a Calvin Klein underwear model. Lucky you. You’ve brought him countless jars of jam that need loosening, and even gotten locked out of your place in your cutest dress. Yet he hasn’t asked you out. In the words of Journey, “Don’t stop believin’.”
See also: Notting Hill, Love Actually.

The Real Ending: There’s a fine line between healthy optimism and insanity. There’s also a reason the quarterback in high school always dated the head cheerleader -- their kind is biologically predetermined to go forth and make other popular kids for everyone else to envy. It might be smarter to set your sights on the guy in 2B with the sweet smile and the receding hairline.

J. Courtney Sullivan’s first book, Dating Up: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Man You Deserve is due out from Warner Books in February 2007.
Copyright ©2006 Tango Publishing Corp

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sometimes, I find myself so mean that I don’t seem to know myself anymore.

Sometimes, I wonder if the mean streak’s an act of internal struggle among my multiple selves.

At times like this, I spot myself in a selective and exclusive mood, where I just want to spend time with me, myself and I.

Cos only when I do that, I get to explore the possibilities, indulging in the freedom and those fleeting moments in my mind. As i allow the selves to fight it out, hopefully figuring out what is it i truely want.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Laughter, cheers and sabotage!

Happy birthday roomie!!=) i cant believe we din take any group pictures, despite me hogging the camera during dinner today! It was fun with sj and jg around today as the plot thickens when we played saboteur! Haha, dinner was @ Hanabi- this pretty nice jap restaurant and games were played at Tea Party recommended by JL and JG. Lovely time=)

Enjoy ur getaway roomie!=)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No title actually

I've got half the mind to change my blog. Dont worry if u have left comments. You guys will definitely be updated on my new link. Just half the mind to change it. Wont take effect as yet. Depends on how the other half struggles.

Side note: Thanks for all the comments. Another cure to monday purples. Friends that leave comments after reading.=) Tues' cool.

Song in my head: "Friday i'm in love" by the Cure

Received a lovely post card from yc two days back.I remembered watching the last world cup with him at boat quay.. hmm, the match was between brazil and china i think. And the best part? Both of us had our identity cards checked before we were allowed to order drinks. Haha.

In a flash, 4 years have passed. And this year that lucky friend of mine actually watched a WC match live in munich!!Hmm, that reminds me, gotta remind him if he's gotten any souvenir for me. YC, if you're reading this. please dont forget my souvenir. HAHAHA.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The cure to monday purples

Right, i finally got down to blogging a post. For the past few days or so, i found myself mentally making notes about what to jot down but the computer was never available. Yes, why not the laptop some might ask, let's say... i prefer newer, faster stuffs when it comes to IT.

Anyway, now that i have the comp and the room (rare sight), i'm actually feeling sleepy when it's barely 9pm. Been attending some training courses for the past week and i guess i'm feeling physically drained and mentally strained.

So, for the sake of my future reference, i'm going to just blabber whatever thoughts that come to mind before my eyelids start drooping, before my bed starts beckoning me to my deep slumber.

I had Monday purples today. Really bad kind. Today must have been one of those rare days u hardly hear hooey speak. No hype motions, no cheery face, just a weak smile when she spots a familiar face. More often than not, she chose to avoid having to make small talk. The moment there's a break, she shuttled off to her cubicle and drown her throat with water, so as to keep herself hydrated and at the same time, avoiding having to talk to others.

To add in the incentives to those monday purples, someone farted in the train on the way to work today. Of cos, the train was fantastically packed and the smell was chokingly painful coupled with the fact, one could not even bring up the papers to fan it away due to space constraint.

Endured she did, along with the many others around her who could only wish the smell is vacuumed away. Then of cos, she had to see the morning working crowd clobbering up the escalator (she's one of those as she din want to miss the shuttle). So yup, i was doubling my pace, zigzagging whenever the space allows, until the point i got on to the front of the escalator and saw the right side of the escalator being "CHOKED" by a lady in black who's much further up and simply oblivious to the entire queue behind her, who's also probably waiting in line to jump over her or something. I mean, the right's for those who's in a hurry, for those to overtake as we all know, and there she is standing right there in the middle of the escalator with ample space in front and yet she shows no sign of advancing while those at the back can only curse and swear as they rush to see that they have to end up waiting.

Yes, i knew i prob lost quite a few of u already, for those who dont take the subway to work, u prob dont face this kinda situation. And seriously, under normal circumstances, i'll prob just shrug and let dismiss it as "different people, different pace". But, not today, not when it's monday purple day.

And hey, what do ya know? All that complaining made me more awake as i recap what happened. So, did i catch the shuttle bus? Nope. Did the public bus come immediately? Nope. Did i arrive work late? Yes. Of cos. Did my boss see me walking in? Absolutely Yes. Life is fair, you dont get No's all the time. You wish.

Well, having released all the grumblings and stuffs. I' was glad my day took a better turn after work. Got the shuttle home? Yes. Had a nice relaxing talk with diane, this young lady who's becoming a close friend of mine @ my work place. When i reached my stop, all i wanted to do was to just listen to my music as i walked back home taking in those hustle and traffic scenes, people queueing up for their dinner. Kicked off my pumps, greeted daddy to find him cooked my favourite dishes. Ate my food in silence as i surfed the channels. Asked dad casually if there's hot water, cos i wanted to make tea. And before i finished my dinner, there's a cup of lipton tea made by my sweetest dad.

Awww.... my dad's the best. And a cup of lipton tea and home-cooked dinner the best cure to monday's purples.

Now, i've got a smile on my face as i prepare to go to bed.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Walking back home

Imagine walking back home from the train station. You're plugged to your Samsung mp3 player listening to the tunes you've transferred a couple of days back. You walked past some working adults buying packets food back home. You saw an ever forming queue for the famous punggol nasi lemak. You glanced at the kids, teenagers lingering outside the LAN shops. You past the bridal gown shop and you see a couple trying out their wedding outfits. You walked up the path back home and as you listened to " You're beautiful" by James Blunt and then you looked up and saw this:

"i saw an angel, of that i'm sure...."

With Samsung, It's not that hard to Imagine.=p