Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Resolution for 2008 and recap 07

It's the last sunday of 2007 and since i dont think i will be around tomorrow night to blog about my new yaer resolutions, i thought i should do it tonight (begin the last entry of 2007).

I have long forgotten the last time i wrote down any new year resolution. Maybe i did lastyear, but i dont remember, which really isnt much of a good thing if you ask me.

Off hand, i cant really think of specific goals for 2008, nor do i have the energy to recap my 2007. However, it has been a good year for me. i' feel blessed with the people around me. My bf has been really supportive this period and it was a memorable year, a year i grew, workwise and emotionally wise.

If there's anything i like to continue improving for year 2008:

1) to continue counting my blessings (thankful for the people who love and care for me)
2) To extend the love given to me to others (must learn to care more and appreciate)
3) To save more $$$$$$$!!!!!target: 10 k! *i'm not as ambitious and capable as yc *
4) To improve on my physical self ( yes, this is highly superficial but i have long long wanted to gain some good weight and remove those stupid blemishes that's perpetually taken residence on my face)
5) To elaborate on point 4: I hope my braces will be removed!!!!!
6) Organise.. (i'm working on this, i can feel it but i think i can still be improved)

Just to highlight some of my 2007 "hall of fame"
1) Melbourne
2) Hanoi
3) Batam
4)Hong kong China
1) Organize a HP mega event( celebration)
2) award for my research
3) Recognized @ work

1) Moved house!!!!!
2) Kick started Christmas presents to family!
3) planned and designed own room with sister
4) "celebrated" youngest bro's turning 18 @ zouk
5) family trip to HK-china *the previous flight trip we took was 10 years ago!!!*
6) Visited my family roots in San-tou

1) Spent one year anniversary
2) First Birthday surprise by dear with HP
3) First overseas trip.
4) First squad overseas trip
5) Kj and eveie's wedding!! * hen party included*
6) Planning b2's wedding!
7) Attended hanwen's very lovely christmas party
8) Dear's convo
9) First scrapbooking experience: For Dear and Hanwen's Birthday
10) an overdue cooking attempt @ pasta for the family with bf

* as u can see it's all empty*

Alright, that's all i can think. I feeling drowsy. i'm praying for more in the year 2008! Same goes to everyone. Happy New Year!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I love weekends like this

it's been a good weekend.

Taking the kids to national library, blowing little space bubbles for them, watching them jump in that air filled playground, playing snake and ladder with my oldest pal, watching the kids do art and craft, holding little hands, chatting to them as journeyed to and fro.

And then today, was with TC clan planning how to go about "torturing" the groom and his buddies when they are going to pick evie up next week. And it's back... first extended family gathering in the new place. I like the feel of it, everyone laughing over a good meal, sharing views on places to go, tips of what to do when we go hongkong, giving comments on our rooms.

It's been a good weekend.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

When you wish upon a star

you should so watch stardust if you are into:
1) harry potter
2) pirates of the carribean
3) alittle macbeth
4) romance

It fits my bill!=)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The equilibrium state of men and women

i know i should be returning this to my sister, but while she hasnt come bothering me yet, i tot i could just squeeze in one more post.

was reading some blog entries of people i dont know personally and it's ironic to note how these "strangers" actually invade my thoughts more often than close ones around me.

The topic of interest: Men and women.
Girl's point of view. Boy's point of view.
Started ever since Adam and Eve? Ancient topic but never fail to spur the interest or spark off a friendly debate.

Why are we so different?

Do we think we are different because we are brought up to think that we are?

Why do books, articles, movies, media always make us all unsatisfied with the counterpart?

Why are men unsatisfied with what they have?
And why are women unsatisfied with what they have? or have not?

It's so typical. Confronted with a situation of unsatisfied needs, men are sterotyped to do "out-sourcing". *in today industrial terms*. In the case of women, we are stereotyped to re-enforced what wewant, some nag (soft approach), some kick up a tantrum, breaking up (hard approach), some resorted to crying and breaking down (last approach) to get what they want.

It's like if we were to use economic terms.(gee, sister came in to ask if' i'm done, gotta summarise).

Guys get the desired quantity by increasing the supply ( increasing the odds of getting what they want, out-sourcing if they fail to get it from one)

Ladies get the desired wishes by adjusting their demands on guys. They do realize, it comes a point, if they were to increase their expectations (hence increasing the demand), they are unable to get the equilibrium state (negotation point). And beyond this point, (if guys should choose to leave and not compromise), they will be "left" in an unstable "market" state.

(point to note, the inverse can happen)

It's becomes a give and take situation.

alright gotta go... sister rushing me. i cant finish.

What i was up to exactly one year ago

i was looking through my mobile to upload some pictures of evie's hen party to my lappie when i noticed last year on 11 nov i took pictures... and guess where?

I was with the girls at sentosa attending angela's mum company family day event. We played twister at sentosa much to the amazement or rather amusment of others who took refuge in one of the shelters as the weather wasnt really helpful.

Evident of our fun.

*blue-toothing to lappie*

That's vonnie on twister. looking good..."Oh... Twist again, like we did last sunmmer... oooooooo"
Me on bungee... mini scale. looking so happy... oh, the calm before the storm. I was yelling my head out when i was being shot up.

first sunday at new place.

Sunday afternoon

It's so nice all sprawled across my queen size bed blogging on this nice (not too hot, not too cold that i rather snuggle in bed) kinda afternoon.

i finally got hold of my lappie after my late breakfast. Caught up with my friends' blog. Said hi to a couple of friends online and now just filtering, cleaning up the photos on my memory card.

i have like taken over hundreds plus photos over the past one month and i have yet to compile, upload them yet.

Spent last weekend with the girls at Batam and it was good fun.

With me taking my camera almost everywhere over the last month, it was awfully depressing to note, i left home without it yesterday when i met the girls for eve's hen party.

I love technology. I am transferring photos of last night from my mobile to my lappie as we speak. Sweet.

At the same time i'm uploading photos from my memory card to flickr. darn, i exhausted my usage for the month with just one upload.


Anyway, i have so many things i want to update, by the time i managed to secure a spot on my lappie and on blogger after (reading others' blog), one sibling would come to me and ask if i'm finished. Darn.

so, just let me jot down the things i like to update
1) Hanwen's birthday
2) my dinner and dance
3) my new room
4) my new house for the matter
5) my batam weekend trip (wakeboard + spa)
6) evie's hen night party (yesterday)
7) Me spending 2 1/2 hours in orchard alone reading story book and drinking coffee @ coffee bean yesterday
8) my plan to save lotsa money
9) girls'planning trip to france and greece next year

Before i go, let me just upload one picture i taken before i started using the lappie this afternoon. My first sunday spent at home. (last weekend was spent at batam)

My lappie on my bed with my comforter in my new room on the first sunday afternoon. Letting some sun in.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

2nd last day @ 17 xxx xx xxx rd

when i said "just taken" i really meant like minutes ago.

i dunno why i suddenly have this urge to just load the pictures i have taken while my camera is charging.
==. inner voice: Not sure if you remembered this, but years back, maybe not years but many many months back, you mentioned something about a chest of memories. And guess what? you almost left out this chuck of memories and decided to move out without it. Thank goodness you came back early from work to check on all the drawers.

It's saddening to note that this is in fact the second last night that i'm going to sleep here. i feel alittle uncomfortable just thinking about it. Although i'm going to move in a queen size bed. (with my sister of cos), there something about leaning on this double decker bed, sitting on the floor blogging that makes my heart lurch as i think about the next few days. Have you ever experienced anything like this? The one time i can recall feeling like this was a break up.

i guess you can say i'm all emotional, trigger teary, but i really cant bear to leave this place. All the time i wish we will move, and now that it's happening i'm actually sad. Char actually dedicated a blog entry for me. i like the title. Very harrry potter like. Not sure if was meant tobe that way.

" the girl who lives on"---- 17 xxx xx xxx rd.
how easy to remember? And how hard to forget. literally for me.

Perhaps it's the fact that this place is so huge, i've been keeping alot of stuffs in this. Hiding even that i've forgotten they existed still. I'm going to show some pictures which are not going to mean much to most of you, but they meant something special to me.. , i held them deary enough to keep it till this day, and it amazes me to know i've not thought much about them until they surface before me. And partly because of these little treasures of mine, i'm going to set up a flickr account to store their presence.

a musty blue glass bottle.

Yet another message in a bottle. I'm loving this. Memories, from AJC Netball.

Dont be sad that i've a group of friends to hold hands with. I'll hold hands with you too.

We can hold hands together.

it's making sad as i take out these things. Will i have forgotten about them if i never move house? Will they really stay buried in my drawer while i go ahead and accumulate new experiences, new friends, new chapters of my life?

it took me a while to recall what and why i kept this. Sob. * i like the way i took it*

the way it was kept so many years.

a gift from primary school which i kept cos it was an encouragement, or so i think. It's really hard to remember things once you past 20, even more when these things supposedly took place when you were <10 href="">

Identity? Responsibility? Or tragedy?hiaks. Just trying to rhyme. no tragedy.I knew the greatest people through this.

VDAY ACJC. A very special day. I rem getting brownies. i rem writing letters,i rem receiving a lily, i rem jeli baking cookies, i rem roses, beautiful flowers all over the school, i rem the next Vday at AJC, i rem a floating balloon, i rem a surprise. *smile*

got this @ fundorama where i went with jeli, jg and yc. bumped to shiying and gang. bumped to peiling and gang. it's like a huge gathering, which is pretty cool granted i was only there for like 3 months. The 3 months where boy from boy school meets girl from girl school. haha, very teenage text book.
Alright, enough of my reminiscing, it's been so heartwarming. And even if i failed to remember them everyday in my heart, i know they are somewhere in me. All i need is a trigger... just like house moving.*may these memories never fade*

(hooey rushes off to more house packing) hopefully this is the last instalment so that she can focus on packing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oct to be fool

Did a couple of things while i was online.

Today was at the new home doing some moving stuffs when my first parcel came to me. It's a good thing we went over or the poor couier man would have made a wasted trip. He was shocked too when he delivered the parcel. Fedex made my day. So once i came home, i installed my software onto my laptop. feeling Happy=).

Anyway, second thing i did was to join facebook. Yes, i heard so much about it when my colleague coereced me to join so that we can figure how to go about playing this thing that got everyone so hyped up, i decided to enrol and found a few of my hip friends have already joined this and added me as their friend. thanks hippies.

Well, Not much stuffs for a 3.24 pm. I missed my kid read and i wanted to pass some toys to the kids somemore, but i got home abit too late after going over to the new place and had to give kid read a skip. This house is still barely empty and i cant believe we will be moving out in 6 days time.

NOw you see it.

Now you dont.

Anyway, i'm dismantling this not to move it to my new place. We 've got all our new furniture in already. i'm dismantling so as to vacate this room. The bed frame cannot fit out of the room.

With the girls at Ma Maison celebrating wen's birthday!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Confrontation in the worst form


i think the saddest thing that can happen, is knowing that you cant change something which you used to have control but chosen not to do anything and wait. And when it surfaces again, you are faced with the harsh reality that you will never be able to revert or act upon your will.

I think it's okay if you are never ever going to be confronted with what your decision or lack of decision has brought.

But if one day, it hits you right in the face and you're confonted with it, will you or will not regret?

Past, Present, Future

i'm so happy to have made wen so happy on her birthday.=) Just saw her blog, and been wanting to post about her scrapbook online but that would have spoilt the surprise, which, frankly.. isnt much of a surprise when the birthday girl herself knew of it before the actualy day.


7 more days before i leave my humble home. today is exhausting. i dismantled a bed. i move out 3 cabinets. I did take the pictures but i'm alittle too tired to load it up now. My camera has been with me all the while, be it choosing furniture, adding colours to my room, moving things from my current home, still frames of this soon to be just house rather than home.

My new room is much smaller than the one i'm residing now, but it has a pretty ok touch (at least when i went over today and see the furniture + painted walls). i think what it needs now is the decor plus lighting's.


Did i ever mention the tot of having my own business is looming in my head recently? Or rather it has been put into my head over lunch by my colleague and then suddenly one by one we thought how nice it would be to have a sideline and start a business together. And though we dont have a concrete thought on what business it would be, we knew for sure it would be a lady's business. Girls' business are by far most lucrative, but interesting to note the few which kicstarted thingy about doing business together are not the typical girls who will spend money on typical girls' stuffs. okay, maybe i'm an exception... for one thing: spa and massages.

Had dinner with the girls to celebrate wen's birthday at ma maison at central. It's quite a nice secluded spot. and i was first. picture that?

Anyway, i took alot of pictures of the birthday girl and wonderful dinner which was followed by icecream at haagen dazs.

Will load them too if wen permits.


yes, what's with the ***? Just rando m thoughts.

****** May i have the strength to keep me going..

this month i found myself being tested. blew up couple of times, disagreements with my family, my colleagues at work (over work of cos). It's just so hard.

I realize i'm not one to keep my emotion well hidden. I'm angry at someone, i show it. ( i dont even know how to act calm and cool when i'm fuming even at work). of cos i dont yell but i dont sound my most nicey self.

hooey aint letting anyone bully her. haha.

Been involve at some fun stuffs at work too, choosing idol/s for the upcoming party.=)

Have you ever feel you have lots to say but when faced with an avenue, be it a person or a book or a blank screen, you just dont know how to go about to start?

I pry open my diary last week. yup, you heard it right. It 's my second diary that i ever written and it has witnessed my primary through to secondary school life. It's highly personal which was the reason why i bought a diary that came with a lock. well, i wasnt sure if i bought it or pestered my mum to buy it. Whatever the case, i only found the diary but not the key! so there i was, figuring of opening it with a thin wire. And yet, the moment i open it, i did not even read it. I just closed the book back and kept it in the box. I din think about why i din read it, but now that i'm thinking, it might be because,

i've grown so much, changed so much from then, i prefer now than i used to be.

I din open to read the entries, but i roughly knew how i was like when i was that age. i was quiet. I was reserved ( i guess), opening up to only those few people and merely smile at others. I was submissive. i dont think i thought much those days.


As i had my few recent quarrels with my mum ( which is really rare), i started to fear growing up.

I think growing up being independent scares me sometimes. I fear i grow and change into someone i dont really like, and the sad thing, i'm aware of it straight after our quarrel and yet, something indignant in me refuses to just mellow or say sorry. Instead, those hurtful remarks continue to come out. Stinging like a horrible bee sting, or a jellyfish's pierce. At that instance, i just feel so horrible.

Do you think, one day when i start reading my blog (future diary) and just find myself returning back to these pages simply because i prefer who i am now... than who the future me will be like? Will i then run out of things to say because all that i have to say are nasty, are complaints, are ruins?

I dont know man.

(well, i'm still smiling if it's anything).

Monday, October 15, 2007

Personal rant that 's been bottled up

Here i am alone in the living room. Glancing at my place which seem like a last time for a weekday morning like this.

Work has been piling up, it's projects and events all coming in together, setting up qualifications, tool buy-off, process data analysis and presentations yet to be prepared.

I'm enjoying all this rush and yet at the same time, i'm hating the suffocating feeling just thinking of all the work and errands i have to run.

1) wiring of home network in the new place? or adopt wireless for all the terminals?
2) How to decorate the new room? Types of lightnings? curtains and bedsheets, quilt designs?
3) Fixing of wall shelves? how many and where to put it?
4) Aircon position? Will it interfere with the paint design which i've done up over the weekend?
5) Bath room renovation?
6) updating change of address in all documentations that has to address field. And in singapore context, this number can run up to 100s of form, bills, updating anyone who sends you mail.

Social Events:

1) birthdays? 3 this month (yet to come)
2) Hen-party? 1 this month (yet to come)
3) Company party housing 3000+ (yet to come, end of the month) and should i even need to elaborate i'm being arrowed into this again as the organising committee?

We are already mid month and there's only another 4 weekends. let's not forget the moving house actually takes place end of the month and the incessant packing, throwing, donating going around the house.

it's times like this i wonder, if my mental power is actually strong enough that i have no collapsed or if i'm been complaining so much inside me that it actually self-regulates??

I dont really head out for fun cos frankly the most fun thing is lying in bed and dozing off straight away. or snatching that little bit of time to and from work to read harry potter, uninterrupted.

I dont watch much tv even i fall asleep on the couch when i head home, still in my work attire and woke up to cold food.

I'm not trying to gain pity down here. it's just been so exhausting. but, it's good to know at the end of it all, the family stands together. 4-5 trips to Ikea lasting 4-5 hours each time? yes, horrible walking but yes, wonderful as a family making decision.

It's like the past few weeks just went past me without me slowing down to consider how i even got it through.

I could so cry and laugh thinking about it. Maybe i'm weak and all these piling on somebody else is no problem at all, but these series of events (some yet to come) has shown how vulnerable and unaccommodating i am. My sister is the one who's been the versatile and adapting one when i used to thought i was. She's the elder sister among us who cooks for us after our long work. (yes this is a hyper weekend), i think out of 48 hours, we only slack for 12 hours, and working our ass off for 36 hours.

She's the one who bear my rant and so did he.

I'm one spoilt kid who knows clearly what i want and want not, and expect people to think the same, especially my close ones.

And all this while, i like to think i've been rushing all these for other people and kept complaining i have no time to myself. This is true... until this morning, but i kept forgetting, in the midst of working with others, working for others, doing things for the family, they too had compromise my attitude and behaviour. They too had bore my share of tiredness and frustrations. They too, had worked with me.

This, i believe is something you wont get with anyone else, except family.

* I only thought of the title after completing this post, and i remembered coming across a small message bottle while clearing. i dint want to throw it away. I told him yesterday, i could whisper my wish and kept it enclosed. haha, i think it's more of bottling up my frustrations and only releasing it now.

Nothing like house moving

it's monday morning and i'm so glad for the leave in lieu for Sat's public holiday.

This is by far, the most fruitful weekend i had in ages, although it's very tiring and straining, it's really eventful.

had my share of tears, fears, anger, harsh words, raised voice, paint job,, furnishing shopping, lighting selection. Took photos to detail the process as well.

And having done that on both fri afternoon( half day off) to saturday to sunday, it sure feels good to sit down in my living room on monday morngin at 10 am.

it does.

and hooey is at ease. more later.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

lesson from a young girl

Met a very young girl today @ a wake.

She was 7, she is currently studying in st nicks, and we started chatting about the school. how things have changed, how somethings remain, she recited the school pledge which was once so familiar, she was like a link, a key which helped open a door which i have not frequent for a long long while.

We talked about recess, excursions, teachers, school bags.

And at the table among the big sisters ( i shant say aunts, altho she was my friend's niece), she came over and hugged me. I feel her cuddling body warmth. And before we left the wake, she told her aunt that when she grows up, she wants to be like me.

@ that moment, we all laughed.

And i was touched and flattered. It's a miraculous feeling. And i'm still smiling @ the tot of it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photos of the past

I finally get to use the lappie after a long exhausting week.

I'm tempted to search if blogger allows me to use my stylus so that i can use my actual handwriting to blog, but then thought against of it cos that will defeat the purpose of why i even got started on blogging in the first place.

certainly, this spot i'm at now was not where i had in mind when i envisioned myself with a laptop. i pictured myself in the living room, on the length of the L-shaped sofa, propped against with my nice cup of coffee when it's raining. but hey, it's aint raining now, infact its sweltering hot, and there's no way i'm going to drink hot coffee in the living room propped against the sofa with the laptop on my lap.So i'm in my parents room. Yes, blogging right beside my mum who is watching Tv.

I dunno why i always like to deviate from the main topic of my post. but well, that's me, easily distracted. i'm meeting the justians later @ char's place for mid-autumn, or at least i hope to make it in time cos i will be joining the tc clan @ bishan for dinner to discuss evie's chick party

i'm hoping to post this out before i head out. I deemed my blogging time strictly and strictly my personal space and time. it's this time throughout the week (take away the sleeping and bathing portion) that i'm strictly on my own. Yes, since when has hooey been so guarded about her privacy? Oh hanwen would know man. Yes she would.

I like blogging when there's no one around, and yet able to pull this off in an earthly hour and not when everyone around me is asleep and dousing me to do the same. How can my mind possible function and think of life's essential questions @ that point in time right?


so, it's 2.47pm. A rare ocasssion when i'm at home, awake, free with my lappie! i could so buy some 4 digits to try my luck at 4D. Have you ever occured when was the last time you were truely alone to think , waste your own time with no external disturbance? No, i'm not referring to waiting for transport home. No, i'm not referring to walking to the shuttle. No, i'm not referring to you watching the TV. Hell no, i'm not even referring to you reading that story book. no, just you and your mind. Having a conversation. *dun even let me think of the word.. luna___*

well, i wanted to share this out. and i shall do it today before it becomes my next life before it comes to mind.

showcasing my new lappie. yes, i purposely tilt the screen to haolian. I got it on a Wednesday. Cant rem which date. Right, should be 12 sept.

Apparently the first software that hooey finds important is to install MSN. Hiaks. Loser. Cool I just realize We can add VIDEO to BLOGGER. Geez, i mean i knew we can do that via utube, but i din know we can do that by just a click on the tool bar.

I guess, from the background, everyone will know what this is about. I'm moving. i'm packing my stuffs, my barang barang that i collected, bought, and stayed in this house over the past 18 years. 18! i cant imagine i'm moving out at the age of 25, and it's not because i'm moving to get my own apartment. Haha, still, it's a nice change. i had fun packing, sweating it out last weekend going through all this "valuable junk".

Wanted to show this picture, cos in this little wallet contains the number of name cards i have collected after i graduated. meaning close to 1 year half. These cards were all exchanged from friends ( like i have two from inter-roller, haha, EY, PWC, CNB, BARCLAYS, CITIBANK, CSM.. just to list impressive few), gotten from business associates in the course of my ex job. There were name cards from malaysia, brunei, singapore, Korea even!

Now, next page might spot some people's violent reaction....haha (dramatise)

Crescendo!!!!! okay, i forgot to mention only stnicks girls will know what this is about. i'm impressed i kept these copies over the years.. St nicks, meaning i must be like 15 -16? *Morbid tot!* i particulary like to highlight one issue. yes, jingwen. Note this particular issue.
i think some of my friends might not even know this but it's okay... alright here goes.

What do ya know??? hooey had a one small short at being a journalist!
This is strictly, strictly dedicated to the one buddy i have in st nicks. wenqi. This book brought smiles and tears to me all at the same time when i took it out of my box. This book was decorated by me for wenqi to write in her thoughts, share our nonsense, which to date is hardly nonsensical but truely child-like if you ask me, (fine add in the bimboticness), she had a book decorated too where i do the same for her. It was the trend, the craze in our class to have things like this.. :buddy books. i was so proud of mine, not only because of the very nice cover but also for wenqi's painstakingly contents, lovely scrap book pictures, stickers, meaningful quotations, and of cos, sharing our "Prince William" Loot.

Next, presenting the top ten reasons why people choose NTU.

this colourful page was taken off:

This is a very valuable box. It has letters, more letters, and mountains of letters, cards, written from my friends which today, i have a grateful few which i am still in touch. my Squad, hanwen, justians, many are secret pals which i have over the years.. in acjc, in ajc. Strangely, i dont really write much in university days. Could it be because of laziness? Could it because of email?

This... This is my PRIMARY SCHOOL SONGBOOK! yup, i found my name and my class: primary 4 when i was inside. i think i lost this song book once and had to replace it cos we need this every session. It's compulsory to have your own song book. And see i even wrapped it! since when did i last wrap any book? So you got it.. my 15 year old book in my 18 year old room. Some historic artifact eh? My sister saw it and insist on keeping it. i bet she lost hers!

Last but not least.. i guess all the guys are prob bored with my girly possessions. Finally something we all 1980's will know but not the 1990s... i think.

EZ link cards.. OOPS did i just say that? no i wont bother changing.. cos young kiddos.. This is what we called.. Translink cards in our days.!!!! Do you think i can even sell these? See, the pink one are for kiddies, and blue one are for adults. Beside, we have stickers called neoprints, which fade with time. yupz, These are the neo prints and translink cards i found in my wallet. my ex ex ex wallet. I always find little treasures in my wallets. This wallet, if any of my close friends rem, i used this in j1. throughout first three months till ..somewhere end of jc1.

anyway, that ends my length past blog.. i really gotta go watch a lame movie with my mom and my sister. best way to spend saturday afternoon.. Deuce bigalow.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Good Weekend Part 2

Well, i hope if you are reading this, you have read part one which is below this post.

I'm thankful the good weekend continues to follow and frankly, i have no wish to brag in case this starts to turn out like some haolianing thing. It's just that once in a short while i like to read back on my past entries, and i can be so forgetful.

Like for example: I wanted to share how much i like discussing books with the girls. We are constantly sharing our good read with each other, lending each other book. of cos i will never forget that Von w borrowed my "angels and demons" for a good one year and did not even touch it. In fact, if she didn bring it up, i wouldn have realized my book is with her after this time. anyway, bad example on this. Haha, she does read my other books. And Angela always have interesting books with really heavy stuffs to share. And she has this habit of noting something in the books after reading that i think is really cool.

So sorry, that was still friday. so to continue with what i did on my good weekend.

Saturday noon: I went to spa!!!

yup, i tot i should really reward myself for this tiring week and to prepare myself for the upcoming week, so me and allan went ahead to spa! it was a really a 1 1/2 shiok body massage +hydrotherapy! tho time was too short!!!!! We were almost almost so convinced that we will be persuaded by the really pretty consultant to book us a package (which i was already so expecting the sale pitching before the actual spa.. i was like "NO NO NO NO NO'" ... in my head). It does sound so tempting @ that moment, but we persisted in saying we will consider.

And now thinking back, i'm so proud! i no longer find it really attractive. it's more of a want than a need and when you have some time apart and then u think back about it again, u will realize, you din really really need it. It WAS a want.

yup so after the nice spa, we headed to Maxwell market to eat chicken rice! Boo, big deal, but the rice's fragrance was enough to keep me eating more. Nice simple meal after a rather pampering spa.

We headed off to his place and his family wanted to go view some new apartments. I tagged along and was so so so so amazed at one particular unit's decor, view (of the Ferris wheel? ) and the environment.

Well, after which i went back home and it's really just slacking with my family .. and to my amazement "My Best Friend's Wedding" was just starting!!!!

i first watched that movie 10 years ago in st nicks. So it was a special movie to me. I even rem watching it in the AV room. My class loved the songs inside, we adore the movie so much. And in acjc, i rem my OG dancing to "wishing, hoping, praying"as part of our skit performance for camp fire night. So this movie brought back really fond memories.

I watched the entire show with my mum and my sis, recalling the lines spoken by Julia, by Cameron. My memory (in this department) never fail to amaze me.

Julia: Michael wants... Jello

Cameron: JELLO?? Why will he want Jello?

Julia: *shocked expression* why not?? He wants Jello .. cos Jello makes him comfortable.

Cameron: I can be Jello...

Julia: No, you cant be jello.

Anyway, that's how i rem off hand... give me the scene and i'll lipped it again like i did just now.

but the whole point of this blogging@ 12 am even tho i really want to go zzzz. is this...

" Some day.. When you're awfully low.

When the world is cold,

I will sing this song,

Thinking .. of... You,

And the way you look .. tonight"

I teared tonight @ Julia's speech for mike and Kimmy's wedding. (sorry i dont know the guy'sreal name).

i teared. As though it was something i experienced. *shakes head* sigh, it was such a sad and yet heart warming scene.

I teared for my best friend's wedding.

And with that, i end my good, mid weekend post.

Good night.

Good Weekend Part 1

It's the mid weekend. Saturday night to me is the mid of my rest time, my weekend, before i embark another brand new week @ work.

It's like the mid point, where i will find myself asking these questions.. do you??

a) So far, how is the weekend coming along? Fruitful? Did i waste my time?
b) Second, how am i going to spend the rest of it if i have wasted it, can i make it more fruitful?
c) If i had a fruitful time so far, am i going to start taking abreak and just nua the rest of it (slack @ home, having met my so called "quota" of activities?

Perhaps no one is so calculative and boliao like me to ask these questions. If it was me in the past, i think i would have without a doubt just spend the whole weekend slacking bumming on my bed, enjoying my late cup of coffee, tuck myself back in bed in the afternoon with my aircon *hopefully blasting* and a good book @ hand.

well, am i getting a point with this blabbering? Ah yes, so i strikes me cos i din know when i started (unknowingly) asking myself these questions. And this weekend, right now @ midpoint of it, .. i am very proud to say my weekend has been good. A really good weekend to point of writing.

Friday night: i met up with the girls @ Waruku- Marina Square and saw Edmund Chen along the way. We had a good fun meal catching up, sharing our recent trips. ( you will be amazed with us girls in the span of three months, 4 of 6 have travelled out of SG to places like Perth, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minn) 3 out of 4 went Vietnam. Well, just sharing statistics.

so after dinner we headed off to city space, it was like my first trip there lah. abit ulu but hey, better late then never they say.

I like the place, we had our usual fun, ordering mocktails (sadly i dun think the bulk of my group, including myself can say we like talking over wine, beer. ) we just aren that high on alcohol. I love this group, cos we share fears, we share some apprehension, we share the past and i like to think, while we are sharing bits and pieces of our present, we will continue this tradition to extend this sharing to the future.

I pulled out something from my bag which shocked everyone, which provided some sort of entertainment while reminiscing. After which, the rest had to take part in some small activity to complete that little something for me.

If i've got the chance, i snap some pictures to share.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ART: Article of Random Thoughts and ARK: Act of Random Kindess

After a long month, i finally found myself with both the energy and resources to come back online. This time, with a new laptop- a HP tablet PC.

I have took some pictures of it and will post it up the next time coz my camera is running on low batt. I'm taking some time getting used to windows vista and using a stylus, but sigh, i think that cant beat my typing, so here i am comfortably typing away even though it's at 12.36 am.

How should i summarise what's been going through for the past month? on second thought, i dont quite feel like doing that. fickle, spontaneous, whatever.

I've caught Evan Almighty last night and finished reading Mitch Albom's Tuesday with Morris this evening.

Different medium, quite different story lines but yet i took something along with me at the end of it.

How should i put it?

I always feel better after watching, reading stories like this. It makes me feel more alive, more aware of my blessings, more compassionate towards others.

Some scourn at Evan almighty for it's seemingly incredible story line. I am no christian as to speak, but i think having a faith to do something, even when everyone seem to go against you, appear to be so much more intensed, satisfying, and somewhat worth living. Being rated as a lunatic, an insane fool when nobody else stands on your side is so tearful. I'm guilty of many a times judging certain people just because they do things totally out of the norm.

When you pray for something? Does it come falling on your lap? Or does it present as an opportunity to display that something? Meaningful lines and i cant agree any better that Morgan Freeman's the one to deliver this speech.

As for Tuesday with Morrie, i think about death. i think about how given a chance, i will not live my life over again. every moment i have taken till now, be it ups, downs, u-turns, circles, i have not regret. Without any of them, i probably will not be who i am today.

People are only mean when threatened. How true. Truth be told, i have seen the nasty side of me sometime during the past month. Tho i was not able to pin -point why and what could have triggered this half nasty, half guilt streak that's rising in me. And today, i' learnt it was threat. and i've learnt to detach away from it unknowingly even before reading the book and with that, i think i do deserve a pat on the back.

What else have i done?

i woke up at 5.30 am on tuesday morning, so as to make it for a 7.30 am teleconference. What's interesting was the change in people i see on the way to work, demographic change from the working population to the studying population. Working adults on their laptops to noisy boys rushing out their last minute assignment. Cooler air as lesser people around on the streets. If you listen more, you can hear nature talking back instead of the hassle of man-made creations such as traffic.

I was at training this week when i had the chance to see my vendor's house in the states when he showed us pictures of his house on his laptop. Beautiful garden, 4 acres of land and awonderful green plains extending to the forest to be cornered by picket fences.

With all these experiences, it really made me wonder....y they are deeply etched in my mind when i want to blog. Have i been asking too much that i take things for granted? Or do i feel this yearning in me because i have been asking for the wrong things all this while?

independence, self-centred... poles of opposite forces?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Grounded by Cyclops

It's been a long while.

And to date, i have not been at work since saturday. (4th Aug)... Infected with red eyes and deemed contagious.

It will be a goood time to blog, but the computer's being hog, if not, it's not the right mood.

Like now, i want to blog, but my bro need to use the comp. I wont blame him, he's infected with sore eye and he's bored .. just like me.

Alright, time to have lunch. Mum made Yong Tau Fu.

Will update again. Robitussin Cough Drops and TOP Chocolates in COld Storage. Point to Remember.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

My first chick's party

I just read wen's and char's chick party posts!!!

It's fun!

070707: Difference between a wedding and a marriage

Hey what do you know, it's the 7th of July 2007 . the string of numbers. The hyped day where 777 couples were registered.

It's also been more than a month since i came back from hanoi and i have yet to continue my travel adventures.

Just recovered... from a week's in bed. yup, went to work on monday, MC on Tues+ Wed, went to work on Thurs and then MC again on friday. Just too giddy to sit up and work. am glad to feel better today cos Tomorrow is Kj's Wedding Day!! Just imagine, my first friend to get married.

I guess we all have mixed emotions. Very Very happy for her..., excited too but at the same time, i cant believe apart of me feels as tho we are giving our friend away... She's going to be a bride! Someone's wife... and one day, someone's mummy!!!! Well, she was mine in school. So just imagine the rush of emotions in me as i thought back of the past.

I just got back from manicure+ pedicure with wen, kj the bride to be and her sis. will try to post pictures of my manicured + Pedicured nails while they still look good.

I wonder what's going on the back of kj's head on her last day of being single? As she walked down the isle where she will say "i Do" to her life partner.... i'll make sure i capture as much as possible.

While in bed recently.... (and this quite takes up much of my time @ home while i was ill), i watched "Confession of a Young Bride", not too sure how many of you (especially girls) caught this, but it's quite a nice "will-make- you-forget-you-are-sick-in bed" kinda movie. The thoughts running through the bride's to be head, while she's going about her wedding preparation, as she argue with her fiance just about anything from minute details like... flowers arrangement, wedding vows, wedding dance, to ....having a kid or more,...

But of cos, there must be a story line to this, and in the show she kisses an extremely good looking colleague of hers who she has been nursing a crush on... and this was eventually exposed @ a family dinner. of cos i guess you smart folks know what happen next...

But, the point being, all well's that ends wells and what strikes me most is the last part when the bride said something.... (i add in some lines,

" A wedding is not about two people, it's about everyone. A Marriage, is about two people. And eventually, what is most important, is who you are walking to. All other details, like the flowers, the seating arrangement doesn matter during the wedding, but the person whom you are going spend the rest of your life with."

Monday, June 18, 2007

Abnormal hooey alert

Just in a hyper lagging mood.

The world has just walked by and i stood with a gnawing feeling. Not sure if i've missed more than i've gained... or the other way round.

Abnormal hooey alert. Abnormal.

we can read gibberish as long as the first and last letter is not jumbled.

dnot biviele jsut wtach wtah is aoubt to hpeapn.You wlil be azmead.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Vietnam- Hanoi

I'm back!
Wanted to blog the moment i got out of fatigue and i guess that meant two full day of rest. Arrived in Singapore almost early friday morning and now its early sunday morning.
Vietnam Hanoi: trip wise, i think it's one of a kind. Haven quite experience anything like this.

person wise: i think i'm not that easy a push-over as i thought and i've really learnt to appreciate what we have back at home.

Of course, you people didn strain your neck just to read all these. You want pictures, tips and what not in Hanoi right?

Right, better start putting a pic of us before looney gets.. Looney! Just kidding! Joined this trip with allan and his adventurous friends who's now at Laos after our Vietnam trip and then to thailand. Happening dudes. Here we are all cheery and happy and excited about Hanoi, ignoring the oh so comfy seats in Tiger Airway.

And before i pull another 4 mth lapse episode like what i did for Aussie Melbourne, i decide to blog out and post a pic or two. Again, i like to summarise what i did or again, the list of "first accomplished".

1. Took a jump of the deck of a boat and straight into the unknown sea on route to Halong Bay. about 15 m deep.

2. Got "tattoo" by the local traffic

3. "Ripped" off by Lonely Planet

4. Drank 20 cents beer. I'm not kidding here.
5. Had beer everyday almost every meal.
6. Took an one hour+ (one way each) TO AND FRO boat ride rowed by this power woman (we call her the ferrari)
7. Climbed down this freaky, long, scary, rumbled hill of rocks after visiting perfume pagoda
8. Spent a night in the cabin of the supposedly junk boat and fell asleep watching the stars with a can of tiger beer beside me.
9. Kayaked in Halong Bay!!!! About one hour. Allan and me beat the 2 guys flat. Ha Ha.
10. Had Vietnam Massage!

Night 1: Reached Noi Bai Airport. Please note that you should not spend more than $10USD on the cab fare from the airport to any hotel in Old Quarter (that's where all the backpackers and main -stream travellers will stay in Hanoi)

You need not fret about looking for accomodation cos there are Everywhere in Old Quarter. Just a matter of your preferences in term of cost, comfort and accessibility. Please Bargain and not follow us and just ponder and pay the sum requested.

've stayed in two hotels when i was in Old Quarter and i strongly recommend the second one to everyone.

Made our booking for the infamous Halong Bay. 2 day-1 night PLus kayaking. *note that should also only cost you about $20+ USD.* We paid $37 pax USD. Yah, i'm saying all these so no friends of mine will make this mistake.

You need not go to the Sinh Cafe as mentioned in the Lonely Planet cos that's inaccurate+ charges more. There are many other fakes Sinh Cafes around and the one mentioned in that book happens to be one those.

Can one even trust what one read nowadays???
pictures illustrating my points!

1. Took a jump of the deck of a boat and straight into the unknown sea on route to Halong Bay. about 15 m deep. Yup that's ME!!!!!

Leaping off the top deck are the three gentlemen who sparked off this crazy Stunt. This was their final dive together after an individual jump.

Our American friend decided to follow them and i took a classic pic. Pic of the day!

the three musketeers below cheering on in the water.

Just one of the many many magnificent rocks seen in Halong Bay. Took a paranomic stitch shot but the file was simply too big to load. Shucks. Oh, we kayaked past here!!*i think cos i rem the yellow post, but then again it might be on every similar rock*

That's me enjoying a captain jack moment!Hey we go!!!! Compliment of allan who went out of the boat before it embarked its journey to halong bay.

We went to this really nice cave that's included in the Halong BAy trip. Please dont ask me the name cos i wasn paying attention. Was simply captivated by the sights
... dont believe??? Check this out.

Close your mouth please...Deep Breath.. and say "WAH!!!!!!!"We walked in from that hole (see the light) into this cave. Very pre historic.

We goofing around like some mummys or statues, much to the amusement of others.

That's me again sitting on what looks like some ruins, but actually natural wonders. like the cooling feeling, condensation in the environment. Doesn it look like a scene from Jurassic??

A group shot of us. I love the setting. THe only sad thing was we looked too small. Well, we asked a tour guide to take this pic for us and she did look pro. Never mind the small people. It really made me feel like some explorers or archaeologists who spotted some long lost treasure. To me, i did feel like. Well stay tuned for more interesting pics for all these above are only up till day 2!!!!!!!